Safe To Move Equipment?


LifeTime Supporter
Apr 23, 2008
Hey everyone,

Summer is once again approaching us.

Back in the fall I removed all the concrete surrounding my pool (it's patio). Within the next few weeks I will be putting down new pavers, but before I do I am replacing all the pool lines and the skimmer.

As you can see in the attached picture, I would like to move my equipment area. The white lines were the old pipe paths. The orange lines are the new pipe paths.

I'm wondering...would this pose an issue? Like possibly preventing my pump from being able to prime? Or not having enough pressure in the returns, or not enough suction from the skimmer?

I have a Hayward 1 HP SuperPump and a Hayward EC65 DE Filter for an 18X36 IG pool.



  • Pool Area Equipment Change.jpg
    Pool Area Equipment Change.jpg
    52.3 KB · Views: 47
Yes, you can move things like that.

I would route at least the skimmer line up and across the top, preferably the shallow return as well, if you can. Shorter pipe runs are better. Long runs work, they are a little less efficient. I would use a 2" pipe for the skimmer and 1 1/2" for each of the returns.
Thanks! The reason I was routing around the bottom was because the top will have pavers and plantings. So if I ever needed to dig it up to fix a leak it would be a big project. The bottom would be grass so it's much easier in case of disaster.

But if you think I might risk having issues if I ran it along the bottom, then I'll go for the top. Maybe I'll run redundancy lines to help reduce risk.

Thanks again!
The longer route won't be as efficient, but it won't prevent the system from working or cause any serious problems. People put pipes under poured concrete decks all the time. Normally there is never a problem. But you are right, if there is a problem it can be a real pain when the pipe runs under the deck.
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