Need to purchase a heater


Mar 26, 2010
Western Pa.
Well, now that we purchased a pool package, we feel that a heater will be needed. The grandkids might not mind the cold water, but I don't think my arthritis will! We have a gas well on our farm, so have free gas up to a set limit which we only use half of. So, a natural gas heater seems like the way to go. Any suggestions on size and brand? Pool will be a 30 ft. round, ag, 52" high. Thanks!
Do you know what your gas reserve is in BTU's? Pool heaters are gas hogs. Most House furnaces and water heaters together are less than, or about 100,000 btu's. Most pool heaters require anywhere between 100K and 400K btu's. If you get too small of a heater to accommodate your reserve, you may not be happy with the performance (slow heat rise). Not to mention what could happen to your well, I don't know. Best to have someone in the know to come out and check the availability of gas (in BTU's) for the new heater. Then go from there.

Keep in mind that if you put a heater in that is overrated for the available fuel, the heater will still fire and appear to work, but can soot up over time, and may not present this problem for some time thereafter. Oh yes, and the efficiency will be reduced, unbeknown to you (wasting gas).
Thanks Pool Clown. This is over my head and I have no idea what you mean by gas reserve, so I will give your information to my husband. There are three homes on our gas well and we have never had any problems with it.

We called the dealer we bought pool from and asked what size heater we need for the 30 ft. round. They said 150,000 btu. My husband has doubts that that would be large enough. I found a formula online so will also give that to DH and let him see what that comes up with.
We have similar sized water volume when you consider the depth of the pools.
My 150,000 btu takea an awfull long time to heat up my pool.
Knowing what i know now i would have gotten a 200-250,000 btu heater. Good thing is ai have found a local company selling demo's from pool and spa shows for half the price.
You might consider using a solar system in addition to the gas heater. They are cheap, and even here in MT, can work very well to maintain the water temp. That way, you could use the gas for the colder times, but in July/August heat, the solar will likely give you as much heat as you need, or close to it. Something to consider. I actually just picked up 4 20' panels on clist for $150, so deals can be had.
linda1 said:
Thanks Pool Clown. This is over my head and I have no idea what you mean by gas reserve, so I will give your information to my husband. There are three homes on our gas well and we have never had any problems with it.
I'm sure you have heard the phrase: going to the well one too many times. Your well probably has a BTU rating. How much gas it can supply in terms of volume. Just make sure that the heater you get won't over burden the well.
Having said that...

We called the dealer we bought pool from and asked what size heater we need for the 30 ft. round. They said 150,000 btu. My husband has doubts that that would be large enough. ...While 150K may be "properly sized" for your pool, a larger heater may give you more of what you are looking for in terms of heat rise over time. I have a heater that is way oversized for the pool but the time it takes to heat up is a fraction of the time a "properly sized heater" would take. And it is cheaper to run (cost of gas) because although it uses more gas (say per min.), it too only has to run a fraction of the time to achieve the same result.
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