Anything wrong with Intellichlor IC-40?


LifeTime Supporter
Jul 9, 2009
From all the research I have done on here and other forums, I see that the Goldline SWG is at the top of most lists... I am set on the Pentair Intellitouch, so to be 100% compatible, I want to go with the Intellichlor IC-40... is there anything about this unit that I should be concerned is NOT as good as the Goldline? Indicators, reliability, lifespan?
I have an IC-40 hooked to an intellitouch. I love the thing. From what I've seen, opinions on SWG's vary depending on who has what brand. Some are better than others, im sure. I can only comment on the IC-40. My pool is 14,000 gallons, so the unit is over-sized for my pool. Which, IMO, is a good thing. I also believe that a few problems people have with them is that they get generators that are under-sized. Some people have reported that the low or check salt light comes on when the salt level is fine, but in most instances they were field calibrated, or pentair replaced them. The newer ones dont sem to have the issue, from what i can read, but YMMV. However, this issue is not really limited to the pentair, either.

The IC-40 works nicely with the Easytouch since you can set the output to any percentage and are not limited to the 20,40, 60, 80, and 100% that you have using it manually. I would recommend since ive had no trouble with mine generating all the chlorine i need.
How many gallons is your pool?
It is going to be about 28-30k gallons. I figured the 40K SWG would give some margin of safety.

Do you have the automatic sensor to read pH and auto adjust it? SmartPH I think it is called... looks like they have a package with teh SGW, may be for lower price...
jtech1 said:
Do you have the automatic sensor to read pH and auto adjust it? .
No, i just use a taylor 2006 kit and add muriatic when i need too. I usually ad 1.5 cups every couple weeks. Although lately ive had to ad a little more often with all the heavy rain we have gotten. Tends to aereate the water and cause a pH rise.
That's all? 1.5 cups every couple weeks? I though it was a daily thing... that is not bad at all! So, I guess the automatic does not really save too much time... I'd stil' be testing every day to make sure the auto system was working properly...
Getting the water balanced so that PH drifts as slowly as Brad S describes isn't always easy. Often enough it is easy to get everything balanced, but some pools refuse to stay balanced and need more frequent acid additions.
True enough. Guy down the street has almost an identical setup as me and he uses a lot more acid than I do. His pool uses more chlorine than mine since he has a lot more trees and subsequently more organics that get in the water. He runs his generator almost twice as much as i do, which contributed to his pH rising faster than mine Plus, he keeps his TA higher than mine (i think he said 100 ppm). I run mine around 70 so the pH drift takes longer. Like i said, in the last couple weeks, i have had to add a little more since the constant heavy downpours have tended to aereate the water and raise the pH a bit more. Everybodies pool is a bit differeent, even on the same street depending on the micro environment around the pool.
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