2" vs 1.5 " Hayward MP Valve (Noob Question)


Mar 4, 2017
I'm replacing the laterals and valve on my sand filter. I ordered the Hayward SP0714T ProSeries VariFlo Top-Mount Multiport Valve from Amazon. Just realized that my old one is 2" and the new one is 1.5". It's compatible (I think), but will it work ok? Should I return it and get a 2"? Thanks!
Is your existing plumbing 2"? How big is your pump?

If a union is installed correctly, and the o-ring is not damaged, and properly lubed, the union should last quite a long time. Did you ask the guy at the pool $tore how you are to remove the multiport in the future if there are no unions? You should deep clean your sandfilter once a season, and to do that you will need to remove your MPV.
If your existing plumbi g is not 2" I wouldn't worry about it. If it is 2 inches I would prefer a 2 inch valve. Btw unions are your best friend. And usually the only thing that causes a leak on them is a bad o ring which is usually damaged if it's pinched when union is tighten and the prints can be replaced and cost cents.
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