Cracked return faceplates


LifeTime Supporter
Feb 22, 2011
Cincinnati, Ohio
I tried to close my pool tonight for the first time and ran into some problems. Several of my return faceplate Hayward model sp1408b were cracked and after putting my threaded plugs into these faceplate I saw bubbles. The bubbles eventually stopped after an hour or so but I'm assuming that is because the return lines filled with some water. Or do you think it could have just been releasing the air in the lines because I did shut the valves to create an error lock. The returns on my steps are different and have no screw holes and sealed just fine. All of my plugs have new o-rings and Teflon tape. Not sure if I should remove all plugs and replace faceplates or not. I'm thinking I should to be safe.

Although I'm honestly not sure how a new faceplate will be airtight either because the gasket sits behind the liner and I can't see that the faceplate will seal well enough against the fitting mounted in the wall itself since it seems like there should be some type of gasket between the faceplate and the liner. Thoughts? Thanks.

Remove the threaded plugs as they leak. I know because I used them and they leaked. Your steps sealed fine with the rubber plugs. When removing the threaded plugs, please be careful, if they were over tightened that you do not break anything. Go back to the rubber plugs and you will be fine. You will have to blow out the returns again in sequence, therefore you need to remove everything and start all over.

Do you have any cracks in the return face plates, or were you just referring to the air leaking?
Try Teflon tape on the threads of the plugs. I have one that cracked and even after replacing it I struggle getting that return sealed.
Yes. The faceplates are cracked. They were cracked before I put plugs in as I didn't realize it mattered. I'm guessing they just get over tightened by someone and age and crack. The ones in the steps are threaded as well so they are the same plugs. The difference is that they are not thin and don't have holes for screws. I don't think I can use rubber plugs because my returns are threaded. Am I wrong? I also figured threaded plugs were more safe in regards to keeping water out.

I can get new faceplates fairly cheap so I will replace them all. I just don't want to crack them like someone else did.
The rubber plugs are fine even with the threaded returns. They expand when you tighten the wing nut to create a seal. What I do is use goggles when closing the returns, as it allows me to put the plug in flush, tighten until all the bubbles disappear, and I can see what is going on down there. I inspected the return threads under water this year and there is absolutely no damage. You will be fine.

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