Green organic stain for over a month on vinyl liner


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2010
Montreal, QC, Canada
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-15)
I closed my pool for the first year without a leaf mesh net.

Startup went fine, but I opened very early in the season, I think I shocked with leaves still in it and I was left with a green stain. It has gotten a little thinner but nothing I do will get rid of it, shocking didn't help, maintaining high chlorine didn't help, I rubbed on Orange on it and nothing, magic eraser.

Not sure what to try next.‎
CYA puck placed on the stain for 3-5mins.
If it doesn't budge could be somebody dropped an penny in there and you have a copper stain.
Use some Vitamin C pills in a sock and rub the area.

Some recommend going the VitC route first as the CYA puck is acidic as well and may indicate false inorganic stains
I've never had much luck with the vitamin C, is there a pool store product that contains the Vitamin C type properties that I can just add to the pool to remove the stain?
It was from a pile of leaves, there is copper in leaves?
I was reading from above posts where I mentioned there was a possibility a penny may have been thrown in the pool.
No there is no measurable trace minerals in organic debris to cause a metal type stain.

Dry acids can work on organic stains but you're likely to see better results from a tri-chlor puck or raising FC in the pool for a while - neither of these tests have worked for you?
I was reading from above posts where I mentioned there was a possibility a penny may have been thrown in the pool.
No there is no measurable trace minerals in organic debris to cause a metal type stain.

Dry acids can work on organic stains but you're likely to see better results from a tri-chlor puck or raising FC in the pool for a while - neither of these tests have worked for you?

Definitely no penny.

While the temperature was still cold in the season and not much sun, I hadn't realized the chlorinator was set to 100% for an easy 2 weeks. So my FC was easily in the 15-18 range and it didn't help much, although the green stain lightened a little.

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