If you have the time, a hypothetical.

Not to thread-jack, but the same issue exists for those of us trying to educate our relatives and friends with new pools. It is really hard to convince someone not to use that nice in-line chlorinator that was a "freebie" with their pool purchase.

My neighbor only came around after 6 years when she could not keep her pool clear no matter how high she set her chlorinator or how much algacide she used. I tested her pool and the CYA was off the chart. There was no way she was going to drain and refill, so I got her to use bleach for a few months and was able to convince her to go SWG (letting the CYA drift down due to splashout and rain fill).

My in-laws just put up an AG pool - "free" in-line trichlor chlorinator. There was no way they were going to spring for a SWG or use bleach - yet. I got them to use baking soda to adjust the TA, not worry about CH, "shock" with bleach (when filling) and NOT add any CYA to start (can you believe that the "starter" kit came with CYA and Trichlor!!). I told them that they will eventually have problems - at that point maybe I can ease them into a better solution.

At least I can't get fired for trying to bring them to the light!
I am an obstetrician and I have the luxury of being able to spend some time with my patients because I also do their ultrasounds (which usually take 20 to 30 minutes). During this time we engage in various small talk, but if they have a pool, I take the time to educate them on pool water chemisty. Also, four of my employees have pools and are using BBB.

The only problem with this is that I have become a victim of my own success....Sam's Club was out of cases of bleach and I saw two seperate patients in the check out line with several cases...

Especially in these hard economic times...families need to know that they can open and maintain their pool for a tiny fraction of what they have been paying...
Refreshing to see a pool store employee with real integrity. I have a feeling you will do well in life whatever you do.Cheers to you ideliver.
Here's the other side of the coin. I went to a new pool shop for their 'grand sale' on Sunday just to see if they had a good price on stabilizer. I asked the guy behind the counter if they had any 7K pails of it. His reply, " 7K !!! ARE YOU CRAZY? Nobody ever needs that much. That amount will burn out your pump and ruin your liner." When I asked him how he could state that without asking one question about my pool or it's condition. His answer " I don't need to know because the normal thing to do is to dump in a 2K tub at the beginning of the season and another one at closing to keep your pool from going green over the winter"
Go FIGGER eh. My move-so I just turned and walked out.

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