Counter top options?

Jan 21, 2008
Jamison, PA
I'm thinking about building a outdoor island this spring. I've been doing a lot of research, but one area I'm still a little unsure of is the counter top.

The island isn't going to be covered, except for maybe in the winter. What are my best options? Basically, I'm looking for something durable, easy to clean, weather resistant, and good looking (subjective I know). What are the advantages and disadvantages to the different options?

Lots of options for counter tops as you are aware. I have seen Tile, granite slabs, granite tile, slate and concrete. All have pros and cons and in my opinion it comes down to the look you are after and the budget for the project. Tile is a great lower cost option because it is easy enough for the DIYer to tackle however the down side to me is grout stains and cleaning the grout. I personally have never cared for tile in kitchens because of this. They have some great new sealers on the market now that I am sure make this less of a concern.

Granite slabs are a good option to me as they will hold up well to the weather, are durable and easy to clean. Problably not a DIY installed option though as it takes some pretty serious equipment to cut, finish the edges and polish that the average homeowner is not likely to have.

I have seen some beautiful concrete counter tops with some amazing finishes and colors. I have never done it so not sure what all is involved with installing them but I hear it can be some what expensive since it is a laborious process to form, pour, sand, stain, seal etc.

Hope this helps.

I'm just about finished with my island and I was going through the same search. I had just about decided on going with tile when my daughter, an architect, suggested I look into soap stone. They had just used it in a kitchen of a house they were building. We ended up going with that; it is impervious and totally maintenance free. It is the same material used for countertops in high school chemistry labs.

We love it. It is a professional installation; not a DIY.



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