
  1. J

    Zodiac T5 Duo questions

    Hi all My pool floor is covered with dust and silt every morning; worse after rains and winds. A zodiac electric vac has been useless. Normally I use a Polaris 280 and that typically works ok for the average day. Particularly heavy dust-falls needs a manual vacuum. Just a normal vac hose on...
  2. J

    Cleaner not working

    My automatic cleaner won’t work I’ve tried 3 different ones and nothing when I plug it in the vacuum side of the pool. If I put my hands in front I feel suctions but when I plug in the cleaner it won’t work or it will stop after a few minutes. Any suggestions?
  3. T

    Intex Pool Vacuum Keeps Stopping

    I just recently bought the intex pool vacuum for my intex 12x24 above ground pool but it keeps stopping after only 5 mins of running. I don't have any wrinkles in the liner that it would be getting stuck on. My sand filter flow rate is 2,100 GPH. I also have the intex skimmer that attaches to...