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  1. HeyEng

    Burst filter housing

    Ah, failure to comply with the "German Torque" which is gutentight. ;) Glad it worked out well with no harm done!
  2. HeyEng

    Freezing Temps Expected

    How much wind did you get? We had a LOT of wind and I had to clear the skimmer basket about once an hour. Eventually, I had to shut down the pump and clear out the pump basket of some wind driven debris. My pressure had gone up a little bit and I attribute that to the excess debris. Once I...
  3. HeyEng

    Skimmer DEBRIS DEFLECTOR - for High Winds Predicted

    That is a great idea. I might have to go scrounge up something like that in the garage because I am NOT enjoying the trips to the skimmer in this 5 degree weather. 🥶 🥶 🥶
  4. HeyEng

    Imminent hard freeze prep question

    There are a few threads on the heater use, condensation and warranty issues. Generally, it's best to not run it when it's cold but if you do run it, let it get to at least 68 degrees (but be cognizant of warranty issues). Some heaters won't come on at all below a certain temp but some will. Here...
  5. HeyEng

    Aack.. dropped rock in skimmer

    Hopefully you will be able to get it out. Definitely in the column of "self critiquing"
  6. HeyEng

    Skimmer baskets

    And the nets I use: I couldn't imagine how much I would have to clean my filter without using these. For 9 months out of the year, there is ALWAYS something blooming and with our Oklahoma wind...the pool has Crud in it CONSTANTLY. Currently, it's the...
  7. HeyEng

    DE vs cartridge filter?

    We have a large cartridge filter for our fairly small pool. As you can see from my pics, there are a lot of trees and there is a lot of debris I deal with. Nonetheless, I don't clean my filters but once a year. Last time I did it, they weren't very dirty and the resultant pressure decrease...
  8. HeyEng

    Pump Basket not full of Water

    This may sound crazy, but I have noticed I can these issues if the pool level is lower than normal. Just throwing that out there...
  9. HeyEng

    Wife is tired of me wasting money on equipment ...

    +1 on the skimmer socks (or hair nets). I have been using them religiously and it makes a significant difference on the filter cleanliness. You can see from my avatar that we have PLENTY of trees and the resultant debris in the pool. Granted we have a large filter relative to our pool side, but...
  10. HeyEng

    water refill

    Gotcha. I would also recommend doing the bucket list shown in this thread.
  11. HeyEng

    water refill

    When you say "refill", how much and/or how long does it take to refill and how low do you let it get before refilling? And is that a chlorine floater I see out there? If so....we need to talk. ;)
  12. HeyEng

    When to Drain Equipment During Power Outage

    I would also add that any outage may take longer to restore just because crews have been spread thin. There is supposed to be significant icing over a pretty large swath of real estate. We don't have too many outages here in OKC (as of yet) but they are already showing 6+ hours to restore so...
  13. HeyEng

    Preparing for coming TX Deep Freeze

    If the lights are battery powered then I would guess the heat that would be given off would be minimal to none. There are chicken coop warmers that inherently safer around combustible materials and should be available at a Tractor Supply, Atwoods, or similar store. On a side note, those of us...
  14. HeyEng

    Hard freeze alert

    I thought the same thing but the OP actually filled in the sig line. ;)
  15. HeyEng

    Hayward ecostar on generator

    This x1000. There has been a lot of gnashing of teeth about what voltage, but the fact is that most generators produce "dirty power" and can destroy sensitive components. I would also add that we are also in Oklahoma and were VERY lucky in regards to that freeze. Our neighbors weren't so...
  16. HeyEng

    Installing water bond in filter basket?

    And one more (although a little elaborate)...
  17. HeyEng

    Installing water bond in filter basket?

    I have read a couple posts here where folks have just built a small bird box type contraption. Here is a little reading on it: Here's an idea, too...
  18. HeyEng

    Installing water bond in filter basket?

    Although not relevant to the OP's question, I did want to mention that you might consider building a protection box of sorts for your SWCG. I know it's "all weather" but some posters here have had issues with that brand and weather. Sheltering it could help with longevity.
  19. HeyEng

    Another Shoutout to a TFP Fix!

    As some of you (or none of you) may recall, our pool had an inline chlorinator that I immediately stopped using when I read about the TFP method. I had a slight issue with a small leak where the chlorine line was installed in the PVC but it really wasn't a big deal...until it was. Long story...
  20. HeyEng

    Current In Water

    Speaking of unknown sources, do you happen to have any high tension power lines near by? I know out in our neck of the woods there have been issues with livestock discussed at some community get togethers. Here is some info on stray voltage that might give you some ideas...
  21. HeyEng

    So what are the advantages / disadvantages of using a skimmer sock?

    This is how I do it...with pump running. The latest nets I bought have a very nice elastic band that keeps it tight across the top of the basket.
  22. HeyEng

    So what are the advantages / disadvantages of using a skimmer sock?

    Thank you! It is pretty to look at, but it is a HUGE pain to deal with. Weeds, weeds and MORE weeds!!! Also, an early season ice storm destroyed a lot of our landscaping and had to pay a small fortune to remove 30'sih significantly damaged trees. I like beautiful landscapes, but I would prefer...
  23. HeyEng

    So what are the advantages / disadvantages of using a skimmer sock?

    I also use hair nets and am able to go about a year between cleaning my filter even with all the trees that you can see in my avatar pic! Here is a little story for you: A number of days ago, I emptied the skimmer and didn't have a hair net to put back in (I had to refill my stash and was just...
  24. HeyEng

    Filter Cleaning

    I have a filter floss and love it. Works well and makes the chore pretty darn easy.
  25. HeyEng

    Looking for ways to keep pool full

    D'oh! Well you will know for sure when your gas bill shows up!
  26. HeyEng

    Need help Turning this old POOL GAS HEATER

    Or the qualified contractors GRAND FATHER to look at it! ;)
  27. HeyEng

    Earthworms in pump filter basket

    It's not really a closed system since it includes the pool. In our case, they come from the pool itself, specifically the floor of the pool...especially near the inlet of the main drain. I try to run the robot to clean 'em up before running the filter but some still make it to the basket.
  28. HeyEng

    Earthworms in pump filter basket

    I get a LOT of earthworms after it rains. Perhaps they were in the main drain and didn't "come to light" until you fired the system back up?
  29. HeyEng

    Texas Freeze Damage - Post #7,254

    Since the question was posted nearly 2 months ago, I would assume they figured it out. ;)
  30. HeyEng

    Texas Freeze Damage - Post #7,254

    Used? As in used what? I am not in TX, but just up the road in Oklahoma. We had 11 consecutive days below freezing with the lowest being -11 (or -14 at our place, but does it really matter at that point?!?) with 8 of those days at 20 or lower. When my water temp approached 32 degrees, I ran the...