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  1. R

    Clorox or Chlorine crystals

    I'll keep that in mind. Right now the water chemistry seems really stable, and I have no issues with a chloramine smell. 6 months in...knock on wood. Maybe I'll try to work at keeping the chlorine level closer to the .5 range adding smaller amounts of crystals more often.
  2. R

    Clorox or Chlorine crystals

    O.K. Ran the test. The CYA is lower than 30 (test strip color had it at 0). I am adding no more than 1 oz. of the Diclor at a time, every 3-4 days. Thanks for the information. I'll add this check to my list along with the PH. I am SO glad I found this site. I have a friend installing a...
  3. R

    Clorox or Chlorine crystals

    Gosh, I really want to thank everyone for all their information. I've learned a ton of information. I suppose, as with all pools, the company wants to sell the product and doesn't worry about what happens after. I gave up on their customer service when I got three different answers in the...
  4. R

    Clorox or Chlorine crystals

    Clorox 8.25% sodium hypochlorite (7.86% available Chlorine) other ingredients 91.75 Leisure time Sodium Dichloro-s-Triazinetrione Dihydrate 99%, other ingredients 1%
  5. R

    Clorox or Chlorine crystals

    Endless pools recommends liquid Clorox since it is so cost effective. This is what I did for the first 6 months. However, I recently decided to try Leisure Time Chlorine Crystals. I tracked the amount of both I needed to add along with the daily cost. After a month, I found the Leisure Time...
  6. R

    A Montana hello

    We put in an WaterWell from Endless Pools last January. It is 7x9 feet and holds 2000 gallons. I've found Endless Pools customer service less than helpful, and I'm thrilled to find a forum where I might get my questions answered.