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  1. P

    Rain Woes

    Thanks Azgirl. TA of fill water is 80. Haven't filled recently. TA of pool is on the climb up to 60 now need to go get more baking soda. FC just a sec ago was 32, sun is also out. Filter pump running steadily but water is minimally improved. I guess I'll work on getting TA up and keep the FC at...
  2. P

    Rain Woes

    I'll check the TA of the fill water but can't remember the last time I had to add water, sometime last year I bet. I've had the FC above 20 for the 4-5 days and had the water back to what I considered perfect before last night's storm. I've also had the filter running non-stop for the past 4-5...
  3. P

    Rain Woes

    Last year was my first year with this pool and after following the advice here I never had any problems maintaining crystal clear water. The past few months we've had several big rainstorms(2-3inches), and after every one of them I've lost clarity and the pool turned murky. I've slammed it and...
  4. Poolstorm.jpg
