Search results

  1. S

    Properly draining a plaster pool (in AZ)

    I have a 9,400 gallon plaster pool in Southern, AZ. My CYA is > 200 from using chlorine bricks (before discovering this site). Using the pool calculator, I need to drain approximately 80% of my pool. When doing a google search for properly draining a pool, just about every site says not to, or...
  2. S

    Use of skimmer vacuum plate

    Just a quick question about the use of a skimmer vacuum plate. I want to start using a plate when vacuuming my pool so the cartridge filter doesn't get so dirty. The only problem is the hose cuff will come above the water line while in use. Is this OK? Assuming I prime the hose and attach...
  3. S

    Any alternative solar covers out there?

    I'm tired of replacing our blue plastic solar cover every season or two. Part of it is the hard water in our area... the bubbles on the underside just start falling off. I can tell it's time to replace because every time I take the cover off, there are 10 - 15 new blue bubbles left in the...
  4. S

    Basket liners for pool pump basket?

    My cartridge filter get way too dirty too quickly, especially since our auto vacuum died and I haven't replaced it yet. I'm thinking of getting a back of those basket liners, but I'm thinking it won't be as efficient in the skimmer basket as it would be in the pump basket. Is this OK? Any...
  5. S

    Killing pressure-side return from pump

    Just a quick question for all you experts. I have a pressure-side Jandy Ray-Vac that has died. I'm looking at pressure-side cleaners to replace it with, and I'm leaning towards one of the plug-in robot-type (specifically Nitro NC51). My the line coming out of my pump T's off with a Jandy...
  6. S

    Clogged return line or air leak?

    I'm new to the forum and only really know the basics of pool pumps, so hoping someone here can help out with a problem I can't figure out. I have a 9400 gallon in-ground plaster pool. Both the skimmer and the two drains connect to a 1hp Pentair Challenger pump, from there it T's off at a...