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  1. S

    aqua trol having power issues

    my aqua trol has only the power light and no flow light working ! It will not power my pool pump ! I only have 17 volts @ the plug in for the pump ! any help anyone ???
  2. S

    water evaporation reduction

    what are some things to help reduce the evaporation of pool water ??? pool is in full sun all day ! thanhs
  3. S

    avoiding algae while away on vacation

    I wanna know any steps or precautions recommended to prevent pool trouble while away ! In the past i have gotten a house/pool sitter while away just to come back to both looking much worse than if i left them unattended ! i will be gone this time 7 days from july 1-8 my water is balanced w cya...
  4. S

    swg or pool frog ???

    I have a 24ft round doughboy with the deep dig option, i'm told it's 18,700 gallons! it's in full sun all day (chlorine hog) I have been looking into a swg and when i spoke to a guy i know that works where i bought my pool,i was told that doughboy will no longer warranty my pool w a swg and they...