Search results

  1. dekebell

    Best type of cleaner?

    So there seem to be three types available; suction, pressure and robotic. Then there are endless possibilities and accessories, depending on which style you choose. I found some good info here. Since the term: "Money is no issue" is something we can't...
  2. dekebell

    Plumbing/ Flow/ Drain Drawing

    I'm going to attempt to attach a drawing of our pool plumbing. I have a few questions that I put in the drawing that I am CONFIDENT you guys could help me with. I've been lerking around this site for quite some time, and have always been able to find the answers, I really appreciate all the...
  3. dekebell

    Floor drain has no suction

    We just bought our home, and our floor drains appear to not be working either. What valve in the strainer basket are you talking about? I hope we have the same issue. Thanks, Deke