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  1. T

    Need help clearing the water ?

    Thanks for the info on the DE and how to use it. I think it would be worth it to improve the filtration. I'm glad I didn't get the sticks. Thanks again. :)
  2. T

    Need help clearing the water ?

    Well, they are little white sticks that sell for $2.25 at the local pool store. It has a little display. Don't recall the name. The display just says it clears the water. I asked the employee if it was a DE product and she said that it was. You're supposed to put (more than one?) in the skimmer...
  3. T

    Need help clearing the water ?

    Thanks for the info. They sell a solid DE stick to be placed in the skimmer - they said I would need at least two of them? Will these work? They also said you backwash it out after 3 days? I didn't buy one because I usually backwash more often when I'm clearing the water (she said I couldn't...
  4. T

    Need help clearing the water ?

    Hi all! :) OK, I moved all the detailed info below, but the quick answer I'm actually looking for is this: The water is blue now, but still slightly cloudy. I think the algae is being killed, but some is still suspended in the water. I'm hoping to use the pool before it gets too cold, so I'm...
  5. T

    Clearing flood - need help with chemistry - CYA VERY low

    Ah well, then. Might as well get used to it. We have hard rains all the time, and 5 oak trees. Pouring right now. My husband may just win the decision to cut one of the trees, but I think the other 4 will still be nearly as bad. Thanks for the heads-up. :)
  6. T

    Clearing flood - need help with chemistry - CYA VERY low

    You mean it's not going to be a seasonal thing? Sigh ... Well, hopefully at least the POLLEN will stop. That's bothering me more. Leaves I can scoop out. Pollen breaks into itty pieces that I could scoop a million times and not get it all. And probably eats my chlorine just as bad. But...
  7. T

    Clearing flood - need help with chemistry - CYA VERY low

    Doing well, still SLAMing. This is the worst part - where the dirt/leaves pile up in the deep end. The leaves didn't all vacuum yesterday because the water level got too low and I had to stop. But overall I'm pretty pleased. Thanks everyone!
  8. T

    Clearing flood - need help with chemistry - CYA VERY low

    May need to re-test my CYA ... chlorine has held much better than I expected overnight, and even through a sunny day.
  9. T

    Clearing flood - need help with chemistry - CYA VERY low

    Well, we are all safe. There were people killed. My daughter got trapped and had to stay at work overnight (she's just a kid, I was really worried, and just got her license a month ago - she thought she might try to drive home if they lifted the flash flood warning - it took her almost 24 hours...
  10. T

    Clearing flood - need help with chemistry - CYA VERY low

    That's an idea. I have a pump my husband had converted to help me vacuum, but now I am able to do a decent job vacuuming to waste now that the plumbing is clear. ;) I don't think it would normally happen though. This was a flash flood. It ran through beside the house (which the pool is...
  11. T

    Clearing flood - need help with chemistry - CYA VERY low

    Thanks. I need to double-check. My husband was supposed to have ordered them. What I do know then is that I'm not losing chlorine nearly as fast as I was. I know that's not saying much. But before adding the stabilizer, I would run completely out of chlorine. Now it is staying over 5...
  12. T

    Clearing flood - need help with chemistry - CYA VERY low

    Thanks, Dave, you are very kind. And it has been a hard winter to boot. The sagos froze. One of them is coming back, but the really pretty one shows no signs of life. I also have two palm trees, they are at least still alive, but all the top is brown. Ah well, will keep at it. :) I keep...
  13. T

    Clearing flood - need help with chemistry - CYA VERY low

    Stabilizer going in. It said 1 pound every two hours? That's about all that fits in the sock anyway. I'll try to get that all added overnight. If that's accurate it's going to be 6 hours. (Adding about 4 pounds) Added more chlorine to get it up to SLAM level, and got everything nice and clean...
  14. T

    Clearing flood - need help with chemistry - CYA VERY low

    OK, thanks much. I can start this. I'm not sure how many FC tests I can do with what I have left. If I'm careful I can maybe make it last until more test chemical gets here. I'm hoping the Pool Math is for the powdered (I think it is - sold by the pound anyway) stabilizer they have at the pool...
  15. T

    Clearing flood - need help with chemistry - CYA VERY low

    I have the TFT-100 I think it is, bought at the very end of last season, so it should be fresh. I added chlorine as soon as I saw Beens' suggestion, and it should be around 3-5 FC right now. It kind of complicated matters. The SLAM was taking time to completely clear because my plumbing was...
  16. T

    Clearing flood - need help with chemistry - CYA VERY low

    Thanks for the measuring ideas. I need to come up with something. My CYA used to be 88 when I SLAMed, so I would be adding gallons of bleach at times. And yeah, ruined some clothes. But I can't accurately measure in cups or even by the quart, so it looks like I need something. Having a CYA I...
  17. T

    Clearing flood - need help with chemistry - CYA VERY low

    I think this was kind of a freak thing - the pool is behind the house, we got a flash flood through the gate. The pool is raised up and about 15 or 20 feet from the path of the waters. But yeah, after going through ALL THAT WORK to clean the sludge, I have no idea how high my water bill is...
  18. T

    A Swamp or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the green

    Wow, your questions are so many of the same ones I had. You're supposed to buy a special lube, is what I was told. I could never find the one that was suggested to me, and I meant to write in again, since they have one at the pool store I saw yesterday that says it's to lube those o-rings...
  19. T

    Clearing flood - need help with chemistry - CYA VERY low

    Thanks, done. Wow, I'm not used to measuring chlorine THAT carefully. I may need to buy a pitcher or something. Usually I just pour it and go by the marks on the container. Added enough to raise it to somewhere between 3-5, depending on how big my pool actually is and how much I actually added.
  20. T

    Clearing flood - need help with chemistry - CYA VERY low

    Well, cleared the swamp (Thanks everyone!) through SLAMing, then we had a flood that put a lot of debris and sludge in the pool. I've finally got it pretty much clean. Deep end is just slightly more greenish than I'd like, water is a bit dull. I raised the chlorine to SLAM levels a few more...
  21. T

    Algae - SLAM (or use Shock?)

    Got most of the leaves out - I have a 55 gal garbage can that's about half full. Some of the gunk as well, some sticks and assorted stuff. Quite a few dead frogs. Running the filter. Water still green and there's still a good bit of dirt in there. I might have made more progress, but hubby...
  22. T

    Algae - SLAM (or use Shock?)

    Thanks. :) I mainly wanted to be sure I could filter as normal and not worry about it. I do hope things are ok with your family. Flooded houses are no fun to clean up and can be dangerous too. I hope nothing too precious was lost. In the end, we are all glad when everyone is safe, yes. Thank...
  23. T

    Algae - SLAM (or use Shock?)

    Going to try to get the photos in. These are after removing the debris and the majority of what was floating on the pool, but it started storming again so didn't get all the leaves. [/IMG] [/IMG] [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG]
  24. IMG_0041.jpg


  25. T

    Algae - SLAM (or use Shock?)

    I think I just erased my reply. Hit the wrong button. I thank you so much for the reply. Looks like it's mostly leaves and dirt. The water is a bit cloudy, but I can see the bottom. Hard to judge the color well because it's so cloudy, and I guess the usual pretty blue is really the liner...
  26. T

    Algae - SLAM (or use Shock?)

    I have a new problem - I was going to start a new thread, but couldn't decide where it should go. Thanks for the pics on the leaf net. I haven't been able to get one, but just going through the motions of removing leaves, things going pretty well, no money to replace parts or buy anything new...
  27. T

    Algae - SLAM (or use Shock?)

    I had never heard of one before, but I looked it up, and yes, I'm very interested! I think I will be looking into that. Though I think this last storm probably knocked all of last year's leaves off (I can hope!) and I'm HOPING it won't be much until next year. Unless we have another storm...
  28. T

    Algae - SLAM (or use Shock?)

    7 inches of rain - and another boatload of leaves dumped into the pool. At least the pollen was mostly in floating mats this morning and for the volume was much easier to remove. Really, I WILL get there someday! Of course, I guess I'm in no hurry since it's going into the mid-30's tonight...
  29. T

    Algae - SLAM (or use Shock?)

    Well, I didn't try backwashing before I emptied the pump basket. We were getting ready to try everything to clear the clog, and as soon as I saw there was less of a clog the first thing I did was check the pump basket. I was worried about what you said - something like a stick stuck in the...
  30. T

    Algae - SLAM (or use Shock?)

    I'll check out the PoolSkim, thanks! :) And yes, those trees are driving me crazy. What I didn't realize is there's some kind of difference between them. Three of the trees have lost all their leaves, and I've been dealing with those. Two more are just getting well started, so ... it's a while...