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  1. C

    Intex saltwater pump not sucking in past basket

    I filled the basket coming off the intake hose (sorry, don't know real names of parts) with water from garden hose. Restarted and wallah, everything started pumping. What a relief. So, my not having the skimmer intake basket under water created air in system. Adding water back into pump basket...
  2. C

    Intex saltwater pump not sucking in past basket

    I am a new pool owner. Intex 16 x 32 Ultraframe, Krystal Clear 16" pump model CS20110, 15,000 gallons. I have been reading posts since we set up pool in June, it's now mid August.This forum has helped me solve a bunch of setup issues as we learn. This morning I think I got air in the line...