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  1. B

    Taylor test kit

    Test kit, sorry typo
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    Taylor test kit

    Thank you, is the TF-100 a good yest kit?
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    Taylor test kit

    Which Taylor test kit do you currently recommend for 14k gallon pool?
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    Chlorine and Winter algaecide mistake

    Another question please, will the chlorine level go down in a closed pool? Do you know how long it takes while being covered? Thanks.
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    Chlorine and Winter algaecide mistake

    Thank you for your help.
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    Chlorine and Winter algaecide mistake

    Hi, Thank you for your reply. Would waiting a few weeks and then pull back the cover and add algaecide help ?
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    Chlorine and Winter algaecide mistake

    My pool was closed yesterday. Due to a heavy rainstorm my pool had stains from leaves and debris. I put in 2 lbs of dichlor and brushed the pool to remove the stains during closing after the water level was dropped below the tile. The pump was not running at that time. I asked the man from...
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    Do I need stabilizer?

    Hi, Thank you for your reply. I bought my own Taylor Pool test kit last year and I need to replace some of the reagents. I usually try to do it myself, although I admit to still being a nubie, as this was something that my late husband took care of. I am still learning so I appreciate the...
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    Do I need stabilizer?

    Hi, I just had my pool opened and had my water tested at the pool store. Here are the readings: FAC 0 TAC 0 CH 250 CYA 0 TA 80 PH 7.4 The guy at the pool store recommended stabilizer. I am using Di-chlor shock I added 3 lbs today to shock, and tri-chlor tablets. I am thinking that the...
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    Should I adjust TA in my pool or leave it alone?

    The CC=.5 with the K-2006 test kit. With the strips TC=5 minus FC=0 to 1 , the CC would be 4 PPM. Thats a big difference from the test kit readings. I did not go up to SL of 24 because I was afraid of too much chlorine. If my FC is really 6, do I use the pool calculator to go from 6 to 24 to...
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    Should I adjust TA in my pool or leave it alone?

    Hi , I have been using bleach since reading your last reply. I test multiple times a day with the Taylor K-2006 test kit. I show FC values with the test kit, but when I use Aqua Chek Select or LaMotte test strips I always see no FC with the strip. My current readings with the test kit are...
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    Should I adjust TA in my pool or leave it alone?

    Hi, I have been using bleach to chlorinate the pool for almost a week. I am using the Taylor k-2006 test kit. I am trying to double check myself with aqua check select test strips. With Taylor test kit this morning I got the following: FC=5.5, CC=.5, TA=160, PH=7.6. The test strips agree with...
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    Should I adjust TA in my pool or leave it alone?

    Thank you for your quick reply and your help. I will let you know how things are going in a couple of days.
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    Should I adjust TA in my pool or leave it alone?

    Hi All, Thanks for your replies. I used the K6000 test kit yesterday and today. Yesterday, FC=5,CC=5, PH=7.8 - 8.0 and TA =180, CYA=50. I went went ahead and added 1lb of dry acid to bring down the PH. I tested again this morning and I got the following readings today: FC=5,CC=5,PH=7.8,TA=180...
  15. Just Grammy.jpg

    Just Grammy.jpg

  16. B

    Should I adjust TA in my pool or leave it alone?

    Thank you for your reply. I am trying to take care of the pool myself. I bought the Taylor K2006 kit but have not used it yet, I may need your help. I will follow the links provided and try to educate myself on pool care. I went to the pool store for the first water test to get started, but...
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    Should I adjust TA in my pool or leave it alone?

    My pool was opened this week. I had the water tested at Leslies pool store with the following results: FC=4,TC=4,CH=220,CYA=40,TA=180,PH=7.5,TDS=800. TA is high but the man at the pool store suggested leaving it alone since the PH is good. He said the TA would not hurt anything. The paper...