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  1. U

    Where is it coming from!

    I wanted to ask one more question...for next season if we want to keep CL at 3-4 without algae problems where should we keep CYA? 30? We are going thru 220 gallons of 12% bleach as it is for the season. If I drop from 50-30 in the sunny south how much more bleach might I expect to use in the...
  2. U

    Where is it coming from!

    Some of you guessed correctly and we are subject to CL max of 7. We only have 12 days left in the swim season so I'm not going to shock it now (if i closed it for a day or two I would get roasted by the membership). However, I am going to take the CL to 6 to see if that helps. Thanks for all...
  3. U

    Where is it coming from!

    60K gallon HOA pool - green algae on walls - CAT4000 system - CL kept at 3-4 - pH kept at 7.5. Tested daily with Palintest Kit. Also manage alkalinity and calcium. CYA kept around 50. When we ran into this problem we tested for phosphates and got them down to zero with Orenda PR10000. We...