Search results

  1. T

    Starbright Brand Pump

    Trying to figure out if I got what I paid for. Earlier today I was reading the labels on my pump which say, "Starbright 1HP". The 1HP caught my attention because I remembered that we ordered 1.5 HP pump, which is also what is on our receipt. I was doing some poking around on the internet...
  2. T

    New 2' Bury in N Texas

    Here are some additional photos. Looks like I just posted one instead of all.
  3. T

    New 2' Bury in N Texas

    We have a pool! We have a pool! Can you see me doing backflips behind the keyboard? :party: Here are some photos of the pool we had installed this week (started Tues 7:30 AM, Completed Wed 6:15PM). Next will be to tear out the deck railing and build and extension with graduated steps to...
  4. T

    Buried AGP pool in NTx

    We purchased a 21' round Doughboy pool from Crown last month and are finally having it installed tomorrow. I've read posts on here from others in my area who have buried an AGP and I am optimistic that we will have a good experience. The ONLY thing I have every done is SWIM in a pool. I have...