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  1. K

    Can I add any sort of "protective layer" on top of my pool's pebble finish?

    Hi Allen, Thank you for the info and suggestion! In that case we'll just replace all old water with new and hopefully that'll get all the chemicals we've bought to work “properly”.
  2. K

    Can I add any sort of "protective layer" on top of my pool's pebble finish?

    Hi Everyone! We just bought our house about a year ago with a 17yr old gunite inground pool. Recently noticed there are quite a few spots with fallen tiles & most likely bond beam cracks, so we're thinking of doing some research and try to patch these up ourselves. This might be a very silly...
  3. K

    what product should I use to repair crack in bond beam and chipped pebble finish?

    Thank you for the input! Yes it’s just deck on the other side and there’s no visible cracks on the deck. At this point I’ll probably just try to patch it up myself (even if it’s just a temporary fix)... any suggestions on what can be used to seal that crack?
  4. K

    what product should I use to repair crack in bond beam and chipped pebble finish?

    Hi everyone! I found a leak in my spa and it appears to be from a crack in the bond beam. Removed our tiles (quite a few fell so was planning to DIY and replace them all) and the crack is rather large... nearly across the entire half of the tub. Besides the crack in the bond beam, also...
  5. K

    leaking pool, hired leak detect company, but they can't give me a solid answer

    Hi! Thank you for the tips. However, I can't seem to be able to add attachment photos (it won't show after I uploaded the pictures and hit save)... And when I try to insert the image in the message content, an error message pops out saying "we ran into some problems"...
  6. K

    leaking pool, hired leak detect company, but they can't give me a solid answer

    Hi Everyone, I'm new to the forum. Got a headache recently with our pool and hopefully someone here could help giving us some inspirations...! Long story short -- Our pool is leaking so I've hired a leak detect company, paid $700 for their visit and I'm still left complete confused what could...