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  1. B

    test results

    thanks for the feed back.So I'm going to lower my cya first. then add chlorox.I guess once i get cya down ill use the pool calculator for the first time to see how much chlorox to add . wish i could just time warp to the experienced level 8)
  2. B

    Suggestions for my concrete pool repair

    I'll start off by saying I'm a newbie to the pool world. But I have a idea you may or may not want to explore. After making the necessary structural repairs they make a product called liquid epdm that could be used to cover the concrete block making it water tight and a seamless finish.I'm in...
  3. B

    little stones behind liner

    I've noticed the same thing ocurring on the pool ive inherited.The stones or bumps on mine seem to start just where the bottom of the concrete decking would be and go down about a foot or foot and a half all the way around the pool,the the liner is perfectly smooth again after that.I wish i knew...
  4. B

    Deck Box

    I'm guessing you want the pool box to have some style? Seeing you live in Cali and i don't know what the surroundings of your pool larea looks like I'll give this my best newbie shot. I would build each side of the box using bamboo in the center either run horizontally or vertically and picture...
  5. B

    test results

    more info ive been adding 2 bags of shock per week for 2 week. 3" disks in feeded 8 hrs a day opened up to the max. and added 3 gallons of chlorox 3 days ago and its still on 0.
  6. B

    test results

    saturation idx: -0.2 TDS: 600 CYA: 90 TC: 0 FC: 0 ph: 7.4 TA: 174 Adj TA: 147 TH: 116 these are the test results printed from pool store i believe i need to add bleach not sure how much to start out with and how often to monitor it before adding more. thanks in advance for the help. And im a...
  7. B

    A big HELLO to all on TFP. Fiberstar optic rope problems

    Thanks for the heads up about the parts,it hasn't affected my lighting either if I find a remedy or a cause I'll repost. I'm wondering if it could have been something I cleaned with(magic eraser or bleach) but I would think it would have affected all the rope.
  8. B

    A big HELLO to all on TFP. Fiberstar optic rope problems

    I have fiberstar fiber optics lighting around my inground pool and on the back side of the fiber optic shield where the rope first enters the track there are spots that have turned a neon reddish color that is seen when the unit is turned off. Does anyone have any expierence with this.