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  1. H

    Low Flow / Filter Obstruction?

    Bama, and Jason, After a weekend of work it turned out to be: The sand needing to be replaced. The dispersers were lose from the connection of the side of the pump. I had to open it and reapply PVC glue. After I replaced the sand in the filter, everything kicked on back the way we had it...
  2. H

    Low Flow / Filter Obstruction?

    Bama, Jason, The highest pressure I've ever seen was 35. Though there's a new symptom that's come about (I feel like everything is falling apart on me). Today the pool exhibited little bubbles coming out of the pipes of the pool. I noticed the Multiswitch valve (5th picture) was leaking a...
  3. H

    Low Flow / Filter Obstruction?

    Jason, Thank you for your reply. I will try and answer your questions as best as I can. The filter pressure is between 30-40 psi -- usually. When I stop the filter the pressure remains. When I open the pump basket to clean it out, the pressure drops to 0. Air is let into the filter I'm...
  4. H

    Low Flow / Filter Obstruction?

    Hello Experts, Masters, Enlightened ones, and generally anyone less frustrated than I, (That should cover almost everyone :P) I'm coming to you completely at my wits end here. The pump bucket does not stay more than 2/3 filled and it seems to me that there is little suction throughout the...