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  1. 2008GMCsierrasle

    First Time Pool Owners

    That's going to be a beautiful pool when you get it all cleaned up!!! I can't believe how crystal clear you water is with algae in the pool, I thought with algae the water is supposed to be cloudy? Also is that mustard algae along the top of the walls? Experts??
  2. 2008GMCsierrasle

    This is NOT mustard algae

    Little late for pollen but....... I have flowers in my backyard still going full force so......... I too have sucked stuff off of the bottom with a turkey baster that looked questionable, poured shock in with it and had zero change. I wonder if a lot of people see the same stuff like you have in...
  3. 2008GMCsierrasle

    SLAM in progress...

    Beautiful backyard!!! I meant pictures of the algae, but backyard pool pics are nice too
  4. 2008GMCsierrasle

    SLAM in progress...

    Out of curiosity, why do you believe that it is mustard algae? Do you have any pictures? Been trying to see some REAL mustard algae pics from members instead of the hundreds of different MA pics on the www.
  5. 2008GMCsierrasle

    Need Help Getting Rid of Algae

    Is that mustard algae?
  6. 2008GMCsierrasle

    What is THIS?????

    Is it greasy when you try a wipe it off? My skimmer constantly has the ‘black tar ring’ in it. Freaked me out at first but I just get paper towels and clean it up.
  7. 2008GMCsierrasle

    The more I read in this forum about algae....

    Re:  The more I read in this forum about algae.... Do you happen to know why they say this type is more likely in the southern states? Louanne this is where I read it, maybe because Pools run all year?
  8. 2008GMCsierrasle

    The more I read in this forum about algae....

    Re: The more I read in this forum about algae.... Pharmcoder, none on the walls? What state are you in? I’ve read MA is more likely in the southern states and it likes concrete pools more than vinyl or fiberglass pools?, any truth to that?
  9. 2008GMCsierrasle

    The more I read in this forum about algae....

    Re: The more I read in this forum about algae.... by blob, do you mean floating freely in the water? How big?, etc
  10. 2008GMCsierrasle

    The more I read in this forum about algae....

    Re: The more I read in this forum about algae.... That’s what I thought but there are pictures of it out there that are brownish yellow (on the darker side), yellow/green and some that look like a glowing yellowish nuclear waste type thing when looking down on it.
  11. 2008GMCsierrasle

    The more I read in this forum about algae....

    Can the members who have had real experience with mustard algae post some pictures? I do a lot of reading on here and other sites and the pictures of MA differ quite a bit. Also, real experience of how fast it grows, like fine one day and next is ugly MA bloom?, on the walls only, floor only...
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  14. 2008GMCsierrasle

    Mustard or dirt, dust, pollen? Pics.

    Had this stuff since the pool was new last August, on the upward slope where the seam meets the slope and on the edge of a few seams on the downward slope. Nothing on the walls. From what I've read it has the characteristics of MA. So today I went in with a small food type syringe and took a...
  15. 2008GMCsierrasle

    Debris at bottom of pool......maybe I have algae?

    New guy here, sort of the same thing but follows the flow of the current. Like the upward slope from the deep end I get small patches on the seams and corner angle of the upward slope of one side of the pool and on the other side where it makes it's way down to the bottom, just on the edge of...
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  18. 2008GMCsierrasle

    New pool owner from Northern Indiana.

    Hi from HOT and Humid N. Indiana! We had our pool built in August of 17' so we had about 4-5 good weeks of swimming last year but been using it about every day this year!!!! Been doing a lot of looking here before I joined, from what I've read the members here know what's goining on when it...
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