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  1. S

    Pool still cloudy

    Yes I had CYA when closing the pool. The last I took a reading it was 40. I do not know how much water I have added, but we do pump the pool out to below the returns for winterizing the pool. Do either the testing chemicals or stabilizer added go bad? The testing chemicals are over 5 years...
  2. S

    Pool still cloudy

    Ok, thank you for the details regarding my specific situation. Can you share a reason that when I backwash the grass is turning yellow? I just backwashed on Thursday and I have a new yellow spot where I moved the hose.
  3. S

    Pool still cloudy

    I opened a green pool about two weeks ago. I did the SLAM and the green color went away pretty quickly. The pool remains cloudy however and when testing my levels, I can't find the issue. I have a vinyl liner 20,000gal pool FC - 1 CC- 0.5 PH - 7.4 TA - 80 CH - 50 CYA is testing at zero. I...
  4. S

    mustard algea

    CYA has been 60 every time I check.
  5. S

    mustard algea

    I continue to be frustrated over my pool for the third summer. This is the 3rd time this summer that I have had to bring my pool up to Yellow Mustard shock levels. How long does it take to totally eliminate this stuff? I will give some numbers and dates since I have been keeping track. My...
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    Frustrated Pool owner of 15 years

    I think this is one of my problems. I always thought that the chlorine should be between 1 and 3, that's what the pool store print out says. However, am I correct that with a CYA level of 70, I need to maintain a level between 8 and less than 5? If this is correct, is it still safe to...
  7. S

    Frustrated Pool owner of 15 years

    I am so glad I have found this site! We have a had a pretty easy to maintain pool for the last 12 years. However, for the last 3 years, it has been very frustrating. My husband is seriously angry about the amount of chlorine I am adding to the pool. After opening a green pool and SLAMing the...