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  1. C

    converting from baquacil to chlor - using tons of bleach

    okay, that is helpful, thanks. I added chlorine at 7:30pm tonight and an hour later the FC measure was up to 16. I will measure in the morning and see what my FC loss is. So I don't raise the FC back up to 15 in the morning if it is below 14 or 15?
  2. C

    converting from baquacil to chlor - using tons of bleach

    I have been following the recommended process for converting fm baquacil to chlorine and this is how its progressed so far: 6/7 7:40 pm got my pH down to 7.2 so added 364 oz bleach per pool calculator. Pool turned green. 6/7 8:40pm FC = 1, CC=7.5, TA=110, CH 225, CYA=0 - Added 30oz bleach...
  3. C

    correct FC measurement using TF-100

    I bought a TF-100 kit to aid in my conversion from baquacil. I have a question about how to correctly measure the FC. Following the kit directions i added the scoop of R870 to the water sample and mixed it. The water turned bright pink. Per the directions I then added the R871 drops one at a...