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  1. M

    High FC and still CC

    Yes. Pool store results because I ran out of the powders in my kit. So not dangerous for swimming in the high FC level either?
  2. M

    High FC and still CC

    My readings today are FC over 18.85PPM Total Chlorine over 20.15PPM, CC 1.3PPM, PH 7.4, Hardness 265ppm, Alkalinity 86 ppm, CYA 40ppm, copper 0ppm, iron 0ppm. Questions is this water safe to swim in? Should there be any CC with that high a level FC? Recently did SLAM to reduce CC that was 1.85...
  3. M

    Frustrated by lack of knowledge

    LOL...I CAN ABSOUTELY RELATE....any harm in adding half the bag come spring or is the sand all seasoned or something already..
  4. M

    Frustrated by lack of knowledge

    Thanks Dom. It came with universal sand filter instructions, not specific to my model and for 22 inch tank it says 220lbs and 26 inch says 360lbs. Mine is actually 23 inch. - - - Updated - - - Thank you. Very happy i found this forum in my first yr. Im sure i will get better with all this...
  5. M

    Frustrated by lack of knowledge

    Thank you all for sharing your knowledge with me. Also, i have a 22 inch sand filter that was set up by the pool installer. I bought 250lbs of sand but he used 200lbs. Can anyone think of a reason why he wouldn't have used the other 50lbs? Should i make sure that gets added next spring?
  6. M

    Frustrated by lack of knowledge

    So how does CYA get in water without pucks? Am i pouring in bleach everyday in a stable parameter pool?
  7. M

    Frustrated by lack of knowledge

    SLAM? But if i use up the pucks, is that sufficient enough to sanitize? And if so, is it better to keep the dial wide open and run pump/filter 24/7?
  8. M

    Frustrated by lack of knowledge

    Good a newbie in my first full summer as a pool owner. Live in NJ and Aug 2016 renovated back yard with new fence, gates, tree pruning, and above ground pool. Was professionally dug, leveled, installed. Had a great few weeks then closed for winter. Opened nicely in spring...