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  1. J

    Skimmer pipe collapsed

    Thanks... I am going to investigate if chlorine pucks were put in the skimmer basket. Have a great day.
  2. J

    Hello TFP

    Thanks guys !!!
  3. J

    Skimmer pipe collapsed

    Hello. I did not see any deck settling however I am wondering if the pipe was damaged by chlorine pucks as you suggested would closing the flapper valve or sealing the entrance of the skimmer while the pump is running caused the pipe to collapse? Thanks, Joaco
  4. J

    Hello TFP

    Hi. My name is Joaquin Fabrega, I live in Panama, Republic of Panama. I am involved in a leak finding business, I do not know everything about pools, I hope to learn from you and share my experiences. Joaco
  5. J

    Skimmer pipe collapsed

    Hello. Today I got a photo -which I am sharing- of a skimmer pipe with a crack, looks like the pipe was under suction, nobody knows how it happened. I would appreciate if someone have seen something like this and what might cause it. Thanks, Joaquin
  6. IMG_20160719_152553.jpg
