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  1. S

    Had to go back to pucks. Now ph low

    The question asks about using borax. Somewhere the internet said if it's very low like 40, first raise it some with borax, then use baking soda at a later time or something. Is there a specific time when it's appropriate to begin to raise the alkalinity with borax?
  2. S


    Keeping FC at 24 requires a lot of drops of test unless I let the FC drop before testing. What do you all do about that? If I test often and use 20-50 drops each time with a 10 ml sample, aren't I going to run out of test very quickly?? Taylor only gave me one small bottle of this stuff and...
  3. S


    Thank you guys so much for the quick response! I wanted to fix it more before bed , I added a bit of baking soda while waiting on the response so I hope that doesn't mess it up. Is it safe to let kids swim in there during slam as long as the water LOOKS pretty clear? Sent from my XT1254...
  4. S


    Retested tonight. Alkalinity 60ppm pH 7.5-7.6 FC 14 CC .6 What next, adjust alkalinity or continue with chlorine? What lowered my alkalinity? It was a very sunny hot 95 degree day.
  5. S


    I did what you said and lowered the ph- I had never considered that before because 7.8 is the high end of the recommended range, right? Maybe that's why my algae kept coming back.. Now I have but one bottle of chlorine test reagent from the Taylor kit, so should I wait awhile after slam to...
  6. S


    I got the Taylor test kit and want to post my results and let's see what I need to learn next. TA 75ppm pH 7.8 Cya. 55-60ppm CH 100 ppm FC 3.5 CC .5 The water looks cloudy green with some visible algae that I keep brushing. About a week of green. Unsure how much liquid chlorine to add! Pool...