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  1. B

    Should i keep a higher fc then chart?

    Can i keep my fc at 8 or 9 ppm.I live in canada and we don't get that much heat and sun maybe a week or two of 90 degree temperatures. It looks like i can keep my fc at 8 or 9 by just running my salt generator 2 hour a day.Would this not be recommended for any reason? Thanks
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    I finaly received my test kit amazing!!

    I finaly bought a test kit,and wow this is going be make life so much more simple when it comes to taking care of my pool.Two days ago i went to the pool store for some tests and tell told me that my fc was at 5ppm and that my alcalinity was at 100ppm. After testing it myself with a fas dpd i...
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    How do i dilute fas dpd for fc test?

    Do i fill the container with 5 ml of pool water and the other 5 with tap water that is well balanced with a ph of 7.5 and alc of 90. If i understand it right i would just have to count each drop as 1 ppm. Thanks Ps i have high fc right now and i dont want to waste all my products.
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    Step 7 - weekly maintenance

    Hi i read this and wasn't sure if it applied to everone with a pool? Step 7 - weekly maintenance Following the directions, add the recommended amount of Polyquat 60 once a week throughout the swimming season. This will help prevent algae outbreaks, which can be very difficult to clear using the...
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    I need to raise my ph!!

    Hi here is my new numbers. fc 5 cc0 tc 5 ph 7.3 alc 80 calcium 200 cya 50 Here is my dilema,i need to bring up my cya another 25ppm except that my ph is now only 7.3. The last time that i brought up my cya by 25ppm i lost .3 from my ph. Should i raise my ph first,or can i raise my cya and then...
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    best placement for return jets?

    Hi i would like to know if there are any links to placeing return jets in a pool for best results? Thanks
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    I'm running my aqua rite swg 8 hr a day and?

    I'm running my aqua rite swg 8 hr a day.I'm generating clorine at 60% and i'm not hiting my target fc.Is it ok to run the aqua rite at 80% to 90% of the time for only 8 hr per day,or a'm i over doing it. Should i be generating less percentage clorine and running my pump longer.? Thanks
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    Sorry but what is this DE that i read about?

    I would like to know what this de stuff is that people add to thier sand filter.Is de a shortcut for something else,and how is it used. Thanks
  9. B

    Does 20 Mule Team Borax exist in canada?

    Where can i find borax in canada i don't seem to see any anywhere? Thanks
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    Is it posible to buy a taylor cya test,buy it self?

    I have a taylor k 1004 witch doesn't test for cya,would i be able to buy just what i need to test for cya and if so what would the product codes be. Thanks
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    alkalinity test ?

    I did a alkalinity test and it took 8 drops be make it change from green to red except it wasn't really red it was almost inbetween the two colors like pink . It took 1 extra drop to make the color rich so do i count it as 9 drop witch equals 90 alkalinity. Also does rain water have...
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    Is it worth cleaning sand filter after 5 years?

    Hi i have a five year old sand filter witch is working great and my water is sparkling clean.Should i open it up and clean of the dirt on the top or should i just leave it the way it is till i start having problems. I never touched it in five years. Thanks
  13. B

    How much psi should i be running on my filter?

    I have a hayward s244t witch has a maximum psi pressure of 50. My filter runs at 45 psi is this normal,i can't remember if i use to run at 25psi or 45 psi but i think i use to be at 25 psi 5 years ago when my pool was new. Thanks
  14. B

    Is cya well mixed in all the pool water?

    Or does it rise to the top therefore getting drained if you baskwash trough the skimmer but not trough the floor drain? Thanks
  15. B

    Do you guys change your test kit every year?

    The manufacture recommends changing the test kit every year,that seems abusif to me.Has anybody tested older reagents to see it they still do a good job. Thanks
  16. B

    How does taylor k1004 compare to k2006

    Hi I just bought a simple test kit taylor k 1004 witch tests for fc ph and alkalinity.Does a k2006 test fc ph and alkalinity the same way? Thanks
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    how else is cya added to pool?

    Hi apart from stabalizer or clorine tablets is there any other way that cya gets into owr pools? Thanks
  18. B

    How quickly does cya evaporate?

    Does cya evaporate at about the same rate as the salt from my swg. I get my tests done at my local pool store.How often should i be testing for cya? Thanks
  19. B

    My Pool store says to keep fc at 1.0 to 1.5

    Hi i live in montreal canada and my local pool store is telling me to keep my fc at 1.0 to 1.5. I have a salt system and your sight recommends a fc of 3.0 How come there's such a differance. Also they say to keep my cya at 25 to 35 ppm you site recommends as much as 70 to 80 ?? Thanks
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    should i remove pump for the winter?

    Hi i live in eastern canada where winters are extreamly cold.Some ps stores around here just drain the pipes but they dont remove the pump.Other ps remove the pump and claim that the pump wont last as long if you dont.They say that there's expanshion in the empeller from freezing and unfreezing...
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    should i bring in the cell in the winter?

    We have very cold winters here in eastern canada.Should i bring in me aqua rite cell or should i just leave it where it is. I've inspected the cell and it was extreamly clean. Thanks
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    Is table salt ok?

    My ps uses regular sifto food grade salt.He used it in my pool and i had no problems with it all of last year. Do you see any problems with useing regular food grade salt? This salt cost me 5.00 for a 20kl bag. The ps owner is a friend and he told me that the only difference between table...