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  1. B

    First Time Doing a Full Close

    For years I have been opening and closing my pool on my own expect for blowing the lines out at closing. This year I have decided to pick up a cyclone blower and start blowing my lines out myself. I have a double main drain, 2 skimmers (shallow end and deep end) and 4 returns. Does anyone...
  2. B

    Starite Pump keypad stopped work

    I have a P6E6VS4H-209L pump with a IC40 SWG. We had heavy rain late last week that ended up getting into the keypad and drive. I took both apart and dried them out, then reinstalled. The pump went back on but the screen and keypad dont work. I started looking around and saw that there is a...
  3. B

    First Time DIY Closing

    I have decided to try closing my pool for the first time this year. I put the pool in last summer and tried to watch the first closing and opening of the pool the best I could. I have been reading up on here and a lot of people mentioned plugging the returns as well as lowering the water level...
  4. B

    Inground Pool Project in MA_ pavers or stamped concrete?

    I am going to be moving forward with an 18'x44' double roman ended vinyl lined pool at the end of May. We are going the swg route but am having trouble deciding on pavers or stamp concrete. We got a good price on both but I just want to make sure I am making the right decision especially being...