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  1. R

    Pump Housing will not fill up with water

    Opened the pool and after 24 hours of having the pump running, decided to vacuum. After vacuuming, I tried to restart the pump to filter and problems arose: My pump will not prime. I try to fill up the strainer housing with water, but it keeps going down. I tried to close either the main drain...
  2. R

    Pipe leak??

    Hello all. Wanted to know if this is something I should be concerned with or something I can really seal myself.
  3. R

    Got my TF-100 Test Kit with first results

    It has rained a couple of days and walked outside and there was algae growth at the pool floor. I brushed the pool and turned the filter on and anticipated the arrival of my TF-100 kit. I purchased a home with a pool and up till now, I've been using basic Taylor pH, Chlorine and TA test. So I...
  4. R

    Bought my first house with a pool

    My wife and I purchased our first home with a pool this past August. I knew maintaining a pool required work, but like anything new, there's so much that I need to learn. I've been reading up on some stuff especially since finding out this site. I've had problems initially with stubborn algae...