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  1. C

    Sta-Rite Pump Seals -- EDIT: Assumptions Are Bad

    Apologies in advance for the long post... Folks, I'm about to have a Class III come-apart... I'm running a who-knows-how-old Sta-Rite pump. Model number is P4RA5F-125L (as best I can decipher...). More on this later. (EDIT: I deciphered wrong and assumed I knew what I was talking about...) My...
  2. C

    Combined Chloramines -- Effective Disinfectant?

    I'm about 300% sure this has been discussed elsewhere (with lots of helpful and insightful input from chem geek, I'm sure), but I'm on mobile right now and am having trouble searching... Our local government uses chloramine(s) -- made by mixing chlorine and ammonia -- to disinfect our water...
  3. C

    Source for Parts for Sta-Rite High Rate Sand Filter?

    Well, folks, it's been a productive fall/winter/spring around our house. We demolished our old pool house, poured a new concrete pad, and built a 12x20 pool house/storage building. Also moved all of the pool equipment inside, sitting in a "tray" in the concrete pad with a drain. Had to cut pipe...
  4. C

    CYA Loss -- Bacteria?

    It's been a bit since I've been around... A testament to the fact that my pool has been trouble free this year. That is, except for one thing... When I opened my pool May 1, I did a full battery of tests. Everything was normal, except 0.0 FC and 0.0 CC. CYA was 40 ppm. I SLAM'ed the pool, that...
  5. C

    TF100, FAS-DPD Testing Yielding Strange Results

    I thought I had this TFP method figured out... Long story short: Opened my pool 2 weekends ago. Water was slightly cloudy (couldn't quite read 'Hayward' on my main drain, 8 feet down). FC 0, CC 0. Dosed to 6 ppm, lost 4 ppm within an hour. Started SLAM procedure -- lowered pH to 7.2, began...
  6. C

    First Time Opening My Pool Myself...

    Thanks to the confidence TFP gave me last season, I decided to open my pool myself this year (with some help from a pool-savvy neighbor). No sense paying the LPS $400+ just to pull the cover, thread in some plugs, and prime the pump... So, we started by removing the Loop-Loc cover, and this is...
  7. C

    Stopped By the Local Pool Store Yesterday...

    ...and frustration ensued. I decided to have them close my pool one last time -- I'll be handling the opening and closing from now on. When I called to schedule the closing, they advised they'd bring some shock and algaecide to throw in immediately prior to closing. I told them not to worry...
  8. C

    Letting Local Pool Store Close -- Questions re: Algicide and FC Level

    This has been my first summer using the TFP method. Y'all have made a believer out of me, for sure. However, I'm slightly intimidated by the closing/opening process, as I've had the local pool store open and close for the last 4 years. I've decided I'm going to have them close the pool this...
  9. C

    Solar Breeze NX Kickstarter/Pre-Order

    I discovered the Solar Breeze online a couple of months ago, only to find out the company had fallen on hard times financially and wasn't able to produce any new units. I just received an e-mail from them earlier this week, saying they had started a Kickstarter campaign and are hoping to raise...
  10. C

    Pic Request: LED Bulb in Amerlite

    I'm going to be taking on my Amerlite very soon (about to order a new lens, trim ring, gasket, and other small parts), and have been seriously considering switching to LED. I haven't yet decided whether I want to go with something color-changing or a cool white LED replacement bulb. The options...
  11. C

    How Does TA Affect pH?

    Okay, this is probably a simple question, but I haven't been able to find the answer in a search (admittedly a cursory one...). How, exactly, does TA affect pH? I'm keeping my TA right around 100 ppm, and am seeing my pH creep up from 7.5 to 7.8+ within 2-3 days. I understand TA has a...
  12. C

    Baker Hydro Skimmer Questions

    Well, I finally got my water all balanced, thanks to you fine folks! Now it's time to address some issues that, well, I didn't think were issues. Joining TFP has me re-examining everything about my pool. Let me get to the situation: I have two (2) Baker Hydro Skimmers in my pool. One in the...
  13. C

    New to Forum, But Not to Pool Problems...

    Well, after lurking around here trying to soak up as much information as I can since 2012, I finally decided to register. My pool was built more than 20 years ago (best guess, based on who owned the house when the pool was built), and, according to the folks I bought my house from, was...