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  1. C

    what should be my target cya?

    UPSTATE SOUTH CAROLINA WATER TEMPS HOLDING AROUND 88 - 90 LOSING 3ppm FC daily. Seems like more than last year. Have had to add a little water several times this season. What should my target CYA be? Thanks in advance FC6 CC0 PH7.5 CYA35 TA70
  2. C

    above ground opening

    Thinking about opening in the next week or so in upstate South Carolina. Checked under the winter cover and the water looks crystal clear with no debris. Here are my levels: FC: 9.5 CC: 0 CYA: 40 PH: 7.8 TA: 80 The water level is still 6 inches below the return. Since all my levels look so...
  3. C

    Target ta

    Pool math says a range from 70 to 90+ what target TA should I shoot for? Went a way for 10 days with a floater from Wally's came back & TA is way low. FC 3.5 TC 3.5 PH 7.3 TA 50 CYA 40 Have been using the TFPC meathod all season, everything is crystal clear. Thanks.
  4. C

    chemical levels while going on a vacation

    Have been using this method with y'alls help for about two months with perfect results, our pools looks great, thanks. I have two questions. We will be going on vacation in about 5 weeks for 9 days. I plan on buying a cover and covering the pool, filter will run on a timer and using some tablets...
  5. C

    New fill

    I added the cya several days ago tied in pantyhose & hanging from a float while the pool was still filling, had a bad pump and didn't get the filter running until yesterday 1 pm. The filter has been running for 23 hr so far. I squeezed the cya in front of the return and it ripped several nice...
  6. C

    chemical/ electrical question burnt pump

    My water level finally got to the proper level last night, CYA put in yesterday afternoon, bleach last night and then the pump died. I was running a 100ft uf 12-2 to a gfi that the pump was plugged into, 20 amp breaker. Pump got extremely hot and shut off. After cool down I restarted the pump...
  7. C

    new fill chemicals

    Have been filling pool with city water for 56 hours. Water is still about an inch from the skimmer. I added the 75oz of .CYA in a sock suspended form a inflatable about an hour ago. And from what I could gather was going to add 26 oz of Borax, and 81 oz of Bleach and run the pump around the...
  8. C

    New Pool Help!!

    Our new pool will be installed tomorrow and filled with city water. Went to the pool store and were quoted $243 for start up chemicals. Stain/Scale 10 lb baking soda 35 lb Calcium super shock conditioner algaecide chlorine tabs I have been reading as much as I can on this forum, and think we...