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  1. D

    Use of chlorine pucks

    I have read on here about caution against using tri-chlor pucks because of the CYA. I like the idea of the convenience and price and am not too concerned about the CYA because I can check it with my Taylor test kit. Are there any other downsides? I need about one puck per day for my 30,000...
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    leaking drain plug

    I have a hayward sp0714t filter. Just noticed the drain plug is leaking- its cracked on the side. Is there any kind of glue that will help? How do I go about repair? Is there a way to keep all the sand from running out with a gush of water when I take the plug off?
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    Vacuuming after adding flocculant

    I noticed on another post that you don't recommend flocculant. However, it is the only thing that has worked for me, now 3 years in a row. I have 2 questions: if I add DE to my sand filter and/or add a skimmer sock, will this likely eliminate the need for flocculant in the future? (I use E-Z...
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    Depression under liner

    I have a 30,000 gallon in-ground vinyl liner pool. We bought the house 2 years ago, and the pool is about 20 years old. I don't know anything about its construction. Just this year we noticed a depression in the bottom of the shallow end- about 8" in diameter. Applying moderate pressure, the...
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    Dealing with high pH

    My pH goes from 7.6 to 7.8 in about 3 days, then on up to 8.0 (if I would let it). I add 40 oz. of muratic acid to return it to 7.6 from 7.8 (30,000 gallon pool). FC = 4.5 (Hayward SWG) CC = 0 CYA = 50 TA = 90 CH = 30 pH = 7.8 Is it normal for this to happen in the summer? Its already 90 F...
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    dealing with pollen

    We swept a lot of pollen off the cover over the winter. Took the cover off two days ago and can see quarter-inch splotches floating on the wate- maybe 100 per square foot. The net does not seem to be effective, as the goo can pass through the net. Not sure if the filter has been effective...
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    Overflow drain

    Our 20x40 vinyl liner pool has no overflow drain. The rains this week caused me to pump to waste yesterday, then last night the pool completely filled again. I'm concerned that it would overtop if we are gone for a couple of days, and the vinyl liner might have problems. Is it OK to drill a...
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    Help understanding skimmer/floor plumbing

    Split by moderator from HERE. Please ask questions in your own thread. Thanks, jblizzle I just bought my house last summer and thought the main drain was not hooked up because there never was any suction. My plastic skimmer has two holes, one is plugged, and there is a "round spaceship" with...
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    Taylor Test Kit question

    I have a Taylor 2006 test kit. It gives the option of using a 25 ml sample or a 10 ml sample for the FC test. The question is that the instructions for FC test says to use two dippers of DPD R 0870, not differentiating whether that is for the 10 ml or 25 ml sample. If 2 dippers are OK for 25...
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    Which is best SWG?

    I'd like to install a SWG over the winter. Is there any consensus on which is the best? I'm thinking of getting the Pentair. Anyone know of negatives on its use versus other SWGs? Amazon sells the Pentair power center 520556 and the IC40 as separate units. Is this all that is required...
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    Cal Hypo vs Calcium Chloride to increase calcium hardness

    I'm a newbee to this forum- never been a member of any forum, so I hope this question is not a repeat. I'm also a new pool owner and trying to maintain it myself. Because I bought a house with a 20 year old pool, I found some issues with the pool- had trouble with algae and cloudiness. The...