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  1. V

    Jet Vac AquaQuip / Pentair JV105 for tough debris load.

    Anyone have any recent experience with the Jet Vac Aqua Quip / Pentair JV105 pressure side pool cleaner? I'm hoping to find a more durable (more simplistic) cleaner that can handle our debris load. We had a Letro Legend in the pool for 15 years that finally died (too many parts to fix) - which...
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    Rain hosed my chemistry

    We've had a ton of rain at the house...we usually get 1.5-2x the 'official amount' where I am located on a ridge. Current Chems CL 4.5 (after 2 gallon of 12%) TA 80 CH 280 CYA 0 Borate 15 PH 7.2 (after a half gallon of acid) CSI -0.6 I'd like to bring Borates to about 30 ...given the absolute...
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    What would you do? Ancient Filter & Pump

    Pool filter and pump are of unknown age - plaster pool itself was installed in the early 60's. What would you do??? Single speed main 0.5hp pump bearings are starting to let me know its time for a new motor. Filter cartridges for the Sta-Rite system 3 are getting a little ratty. Might be...
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    1.5" Copper Lines...getting ready for new VSP Pump...what to do?

    Hi - Purchased a home 2.5ysrs ago with the filter setup indicated in my signature. The main pump is 15+yrs old and the bearing are getting steadily louder - so I am going to start scouring CL and other postings for a VSP pump. Lots of folks in my area are getting rid of their pools, so...
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    How to know if Cartridges are bad?

    I have an old neglected StaRite 3 cartridge system. How do I know when I should replace the cartridges? Do I replace both of them at the same time or only the inner vs outer (is one a pre-filter for the other)? Per the pressure gauge on top (its a new one), the system is about 3 PSI when...
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    Ascorbic Acid...confused about sequestrants/cheleating solutions

    I was able to determine the stains in my pool are indeed metal...the local pool store gave me a small bag of Ascorbic Acid which I put in a sock and held it against a stain. It worked well - so well that I ended up dumping 2kg of it per the instructions found on TFP. (Sourced it from Amazon)...
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    Impact of Winter Rains & Chem Level Reset...advice needed

    Some interesting results from winter rains...and looking for some advice with our chem levels. Since we do not have an automatic overflow drainage system, we have to use a pump. I lost count around 18 instances of pumping - but I estimate to be 18-22 instances. Each time the water level is...
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    Filter PSI seems low...

    Quick question: Recently purchased a home with pool (see stats below). Just cleaned the filter cartridges of the my Sta Rite 3 300sqft dual cartridge system - and they were really nasty. Maybe 1.5-2 yrs since they were last cleaned. Cleaned cartridges, Overnight/15hr soak in Cascade, look...
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    Neglected Pool...lots of issues...newly purchased home

    Hi All - First of all...outstanding forum. Wow! Reminds me of BITOG from a few years ago (fact based!)Glad I found it. I haven't been around pools in about 15 years, but was around them all the time back in the day - so I am not a complete NooB - just a little outdated and don't remember...