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  1. D

    OCLT during the daytime, and bleach drip feeder wasteful ?

    Looking for input on 2 items that I have been pondering on. OCLT during the daytime. If my understanding is correct, the main purpose of the OCLT is to determine if an algae problem exists. I fully understand the reasoning for doing the test overnight to rule out sunlight that destroys the...
  2. D

    Calibrate DIY chlorine color tester

    I have almost completed an electronic water color tester ( DIY unit using an Arduino board, LCD display and color sensor ). Once done, I will need to calibrate it with a few known control samples, so that I can get accurate readings at different levels, and then use these to calculate the...
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    New Pool Cover Idea

    Hi all I have been looking for a new pool cover and have a 'new' idea - might have already been done, but it's new to me, and I have not seen any pictures - looking to see if anyone has any pros, cons, or advice. We have an outdoor in-ground pool, 8 x 4 meters ( 26 x 13 ft ), and rectangular...
  4. D

    Can anyone confirm this CYA problem ?

    I would appreciate if someone could please confirm if my thinking here is correct, before I go and dump all the water out the pool on Monday. Specs : 36,000 liters. Outdoors. In-Ground. Fiberglass Lined ( 3 years old ). Outside the pool ( in the following order ) : Speck 0,75 kW pump. 2 bag...