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  1. R

    Sand Pump Pressure Gauge

    Can anyone recommend a pressure gauge that lasts more than one season? Ours is outside, uncovered, and often doesn’t even last a whole season.
  2. R

    Any Suggestions for a pool cleaner?

    We have decided to stop cleaning our 24,000 gallon pool ourselves, and are looking for a robot that is both reliable and thorough. There are so many choices out there. We would appreciate any recommendations. Thank you in advance.
  3. R

    Closing Question

    Could anyone please suggest what might be the maximum amount of calcium hypochlorite shock powder we could use to do a very heavy duty SLAM in order to kill very, very stubborn yellow algae that we’ve had for two summers, before closing our underground pool? We would be truly grateful for any...
  4. R

    Yellow Algae Problem

    Since the pandemic, we can’t find bleach anywhere, so we’ve been using chlorine tablets and shock packets instead. Our numbers are: CYA 35 FC 4.5 CC 0 TA 100 PH 7.5 But we can’t get rid of a yellow, powdery algae (?), even when we shock, bringing FC up to 12, to try and get rid of it. We also...
  5. R

    Shop Vac Too Old?

    We are in the process of closing our pool for the first time. Everything was moving along very nicely, until we tried to blow the water out of the bottom drain. No water bubbles came up when using our 4.25hp shop vac. Could it be too old? too weak? Is it necessary to drain that line, since...
  6. R

    Help with first SLAM after AA treatment

    We acquired our pool a month ago, and are learning quickly that pools do need TLC. We discovered we had a brown stain throughout the entire pool, after getting rid of green algae in the corners with Super AlgaeBomb 60 from the pool store. So we bought a TF-100 kit, did AA Tuesday, and the...