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  1. D

    Really need help. SWG seems to be working, but chlorine level zero.

    First, thank you for taking the time to help. We have a problem. Although it appears our cell (TE-15) is working (1 year old cell), our chlorine level drops quickly to zero. Here’s a little background. Our instant salt reading is 3400. Our pump runs 12 hours per day. The cell reading: 26V 7A...
  2. D

    Advice needed to control erosion around concrete deck.

    I really need advice on controlling erosion around our concrete deck. Our pool was built on a small downgrade, which required over 200 yards of sand backfill. What is the best method of controlling runoff? Should I use corrugated drain pipe and gravel around the perimeter? Can I just add top...
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    Automatic Cover - Should I cover this cover during winter?

    First of all – thank you for answering my posts! Although we are new pool owners, you have given our family a sense of confidence. We have installed an automatic cover, which as you know, was very expensive. Although it can be used as a winter cover, I am thinking about protecting it throughout...
  4. D

    Fact or Fiction? Aircraft flying over your pool can affect y

    Our local pool store said that planes flying over a pool can affect chemistry, which can be controlled by a product they sell. Unfortunately I haven’t seen the product. Is this a fact or fiction?
  5. D

    Where can I find a wet niche light junction box? PVC?

    Where can I find a wet niche light junction box? Should I use PVC? Thank you!
  6. D

    Insulating walls if you have an auto-cover.

    I have read numerous old posts regarding wall insulation, but could not find a topic that discussed auto-covers. Installing an auto-cover will drastically reduce heat loss, assuming of course you keep it closed most of the time. I am thinking about installing 2 inch foam board on the outside...
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    New member, new pool, SWG question before filling pool

    First of all, thank you for taking the time to read my post. We am currently building a pool and could use a little advice from our new friends on TFP. Our current plan is to install liner and fill pool this Saturday (April 27), but I am not sure how long it will be before I have my SWG up and...