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    First chlorine test, Taylor K2006

    When I'm adding R0871 to determine FC I counted 8 drops and the tube turned clear. Then while I was grabbing the R0003 the tube went back to slightly pink. So, my question is whether I stop counting drops when it turns clear while swirling or do I keep adding drops until it stays clear?
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    I've posted a few messages/questions already. I started researching pool maintenance a few months before buying a short-sale home with a pool. I've never owned a pool nor know anything besides what I've read thus far. I should have ordered my test kit beforehand as I probably wasted chlorine...
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    Liner has tears

    Just bought a home with a pool. The liner is 20 years old and has tears above the water. There is no water leaks (Tears below water level) that I can tell right now. Can I open the pool? Should I replace the liner right away? If tears above the water is only visual then I'd like to open the...
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    Do leaves in the pool create or help Algae grow?

    I just bought a home with a pool. The neighbors' tree branches over the pool. It doesn't look like the pool has been opened in a year and a half. Vacuuming and skimming have yielded...leaves...lots of leaves. I'm curious as to whether leaves are simply a nuisance or if they can cause algae...
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    Help! Replaced Sand in a SD60 Sand Filter

    I emptied the sand and filled again. I just saw a youtube video that says to fill the tank half way with water before filling with the new sand. Did I make a mistake? Can I fix it without emptying the sand again?