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  1. S

    Ring-Around my Spa

    Over the past couple of weeks my spa water seemed to become tinted with a brownish color. I use the BBB Method. My water chemistry was fine: FC = 4 PH = 7.6 TA = 80 CA = 160 CYA = 30 Bor = 50 Temp = 102. I shocked the spa multiple times up to FC = 35 and cleaned my filter twice..... still had...
  2. S

    Spa's In The Winter

    This is our first season owning a spa . We live in central Illinois where the winters can be very cold with varying amounts of snow. Can you provide any advise regarding maintaining our spa throughout the winter months? One of my biggest concerns would be having a power outage when the...
  3. S

    Persistent Foaming

    I am using the BBB water method for our 550 gallon spa. Our water has been perfect for the last couple of months. My daughter had a spa party a couple of days ago and now we seem to be plagued with foam each time we turn the jets on. I’m sure they brought lotion, soap and perfume into our spa...
  4. S

    Does salt build-up within a spa ?

    Hello, I have been using the BBB method with my spa for the last month and have been enjoying clean and clear water! I do not have a SWG, but based upon the information from the "Pool Calculator" I can see that "salt" is created from using chlorine products; (bleach, dichlor, trichlor...