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  1. R


    I have a low cost above ground Intex vinyl pool and a filter with micron cartridge and it is not effective in filtering the semi-solids that accumulate on the bottom unless the bottom area is constantly stirred up. This semi-solid material is an assortment of body oils, lotions, dirt, algae etc...
  2. R

    CYA & Vendor Prices

    I went to a local franchise pool store to purchase 4 Lb. CYA. Cost was $35.99. This to me appeared expensive and I suspected that I can do much better if I shop around. Walmart's cost was about $14.99 for 4 lb. of 96% cya. Lowe's cost was about the same for 4 lb. of 100% cya. Makes one wonder...
  3. R

    1-Balance 2-Sanitize 3-Shock 4-Algae Prevention

    The above commandments of pool keeping are for pools that already have been in service; is that correct? The problem is: my nephew did not shock his pool after filling it with water. He has been just adding chlorine tablets and nothing else and testing for it. Yesterday, there were many...
  4. R

    Cartridge Filter

    Will this type of Filter (which I believe is a micron filter) collect algae and hold it on the pleats. I have what appears to be light brown or mustard algae on the bottom of my pool which I think is dead algae. It does not lay a film on the bottom but collects in the wrinkles of the vinyl in...
  5. R

    Pool Formula's

    Does anyone have the formulas to do a manual calculation based on "The Pool Calculator"? This will be useful if my computer is in for repair.
  6. R

    pH, Alkalinity, Chlorine Increase & Decrease

    I am new to pool maintenance with only a few weeks experience. I been searching the web on pool maintenance and have gotten a handle on what some chemicals will do to the water. I know that sodium bircarbonate will raise both the alkalinity and pH. Sodium tetraborate (20 mule team borax) will...