Search results

  1. y_not

    Sand filter questions

    I took apart the lateral assembly on my Pentair Meteor to clean all the stuck sand in the laterals... STUPID! Zeo Sand, with a dental pick. They were all but completely clogged with tiny sand bits embedded in the lats. I'm now reassembling the laterals into their threaded base. Q: Do I need...
  2. y_not

    Cl Loss Seems Excessive

    As you all know, I'm a TFP veteran. I have this thing down, even bringing friends on board. :D:D This being my 3rd season on BBB, I'm seeing some unusually high FC loss this July. Temps have consistently been between about 98-103F with our usual blazing, baking sun. I have had to go from...
  3. y_not

    Will this peristaltic pump work?

    I have access to one of these peristaltic pumps, will it work for pool use? What else would I need to put this into service? Ie. What would I use for a tank? Seems messy, can I just screw it into the threaded mouth of a bleach bottle? Beta Peristaltic Chemical Pump DR-2000 Sent from my...
  4. y_not

    Lubricating Pentair Multiport Valve

    I have a Pentair Meteor series sand filter that I acquired used and need to do some work on the multiport, as it's VERY hard to turn. I took it apart, see pics, what do I need to lube? The spider gasket seems decent enough and the previous owner wasn't having problems with it, so I'd like to...
  5. y_not

    Suggestions for patching factory holes in Intex cover?

    I have been pondering what I should best use to patch the holes that Intex so nicely builds into their factory covers. Any ideas? Don't really want to use duct tape, it doesn't like the cold/wet and that adhesive wears off into a GUMMY mess. I was thinking of using a vinyl patch, but not too...
  6. y_not

    CYA - Does it have a smell/taste in the water?

    Just idle curiosity, that, and I have a very "earth/nature conscious" friend coming over to see what my water is all about. So I want it to be as "natural" smelling and tasting as it can. Which it normally is. Just usually a bit of a salty like taste & no smell. I have been wondering if CYA...
  7. y_not

    Do I get a prize...? ;)

    So do I get a prize when I hit the 1k post count, swift kick in the behind maybe? :P This post will make for 999 total posts. I'd probably be up past UWV by now, but I have a bit more of a life than he does. ;) Just wondering and being crazy! Peace out pool brothers.... and sisters too...
  8. y_not

    Pea gravel size for filter?

    There are other threads on this, but nothing with an answer. It has been said that 1/8" - 1/4" pea gravel should be used as the bed for the latterals. Found a place that sells it in small quantities by the bucket, 5gal @ $1/bucket. Seeing as I only need 50lb, will this work even though it's...
  9. y_not

    Hose adapters, where to find them...

    I'll keep this short... shock, huh? Can threaded hose adapters that go on MP valves and pump skimmer baskets be found @ HD/Lowes/Ace type places? Or are they only available at pool stores? Also, do all filters and pumps use the same female id threads, or do they vary? Ie. V thread, buttress...
  10. y_not

    Good pool humor!

  11. y_not

    Is there such a thing as pool nirvana with CC at zero?

    Within topic here. Why do some people on here report 0CCs? Is that even consistently possible, ie is there such a thing as pool nirvana where we can strive for 0 and achieve it? Or no? I really already know the answer, but simply for the sake of discussion. :)
  12. y_not

    This gives new meaning to the word "carpool".

    Cool ride? German police seize car with pool. ... an-police/ YEEESS!!! I soooo want!! I love the extra touch with the tropical island theme. LOL :crazy: And for posterity sake... [attachment=0:ebzvckxi]german car pool.jpg[/attachment:ebzvckxi]
  13. y_not

    Anyone here live in Central Oregon/Oregon?

    I have been meaning to ask this since I joined, especially since I have seen absolutely NO ONE here @ TFP from my area, let alone anyone from Oregon to speak of. Is there anyone here that resides in or around the; Redmond/Prineville/Powell Butte/Lone...
  14. y_not

    Electrical run to pool questions

    Split off of Electrical Solutions. JasonLion Silly question, but you can actually run wire that far, 135ft, without any sort of booster? I take it that's why the heavy 12 AWG wire was recommended?
  15. y_not

    Equipment vendor recommendations please?

    I'm looking at purchasing a Waterway pump @ Not the cheapest price, but I'm more after a good balance on price, delivery speed and customer service ethic. The 1st two points seem great, with excellent shipping prices and only 2 shipping business days from me. Has...
  16. y_not

    Measuring strength of bleach - tool questions.

    I'm about to embark on the adventure of verifying bleach strength by measuring it using Chem Geek's posted method, or Jason Lion, both have posted it. Bleach strength testing procedure. I know I need @ least 2 - 1ml pipettes, since the initial measure of undilute bleach will leave residue...
  17. y_not

    Removing calcium/hard water stains that AREN'T in pool.

    Forgive me if I have missed this somewhere in my searching. With that said, what products have any of you successfully used to remove those white, scaly, hard water stains from pool equipment, water lines that refuse to clean, bathtubs, showers, tile, whatever. Things like CLR and "Some dude's...
  18. y_not

    Convert single speed pump to 2-speed?

    I'm pondering as to whether it's possible to convert a single speed pump to a 2-speed without replacing the whole motor /w a 2-speed model. Are the motor manufacturers using a simple 2-mode VFD or variable frequency driver design in their 2-speed motors, say 30/60Hz off of a rectifier+pwm...
  19. y_not

    Refrigerating bleach/liquid chlorine to extend its life?

    I was wondering if I can refrigerate the sodium hypochlorite I use for my pool. Say 10-12.5% concentration and maybe even the 8.25% if I have some left over once winter hits. Just for the purpose of slowing the breakdown process and prolonging its life at X concentration. I have a junk fridge...
  20. y_not

    HTH 10% liquid chlorine lot number date?

    I was at Ace Hardware today and they had cases of two 1 gallon jugs of HTH 10 percent chlorinating liquid for $5. Half the normal price of $10. So I grabbed two cases, what with the recent price hike on bleach. *briggida braggadda brugguda bragadda* First I decided to call HTH/Arch Chemicals to...
  21. y_not

    Pool sand, thoughts & a cheap source I found.

    In hunting for pool sand, which is NOT CHEAP here. YIKES!! I found a lovely secret, which I wondered about but had no way to verify it without time, testing & money of which I'm not equipped to do. Calling around, finding prices from $20/100# - $16/50#, I felt this was rather overly priced and...
  22. y_not

    Used sand filter - avail. options & your recommendations

    I'm shopping around the area for used sand filters + a pump. The pickin's around here are pretty slim to say the least. I happened upon this unit. [attachment=0:9bor11rs]SandFilter-Redmond250.jpg[/attachment:9bor11rs] Trying to figure out what it is, as it has an unusual 2 part bolt on design...
  23. y_not

    Bleach in your bathwater, a PPM safety question.

    Hey everyone, Happy Winter!! Freezing and yucky here, but it's warming up. Hitting the mid 50's as of late and the 4"+ thick ice shelf in my pool melted for the 1st time in over a month. YAAAYY!! Summer soon. :) In the meantime, I had a question for chemgeek or any of the other uber chemistry...
  24. y_not

    Forum time

    Is there any way you can adjust the time on the server to account for the DST fallback we just had? It's still an hour ahead, as it never fell back. I had "Summertime DST is in effect" set to = yes in my prefs for the site. As that was true when I signed up, however it didn't switch that...
  25. y_not

    CYA stays, right??

    So I was reading Chem Geek's post in the following thread, it seems that chlorine does oxidize CYA? I thought that CYA doesn't deplete, it will only reduce from one of 2 things which require topping off, thus diluting it. Splash out, or backwashing. Then of course the occasional algae or...
  26. y_not

    WOW! Talk about high CCs!!

    I needed to clean out my "pool bucket" that I use for storing small toys in after they dry as well as for bucket tests when needed ot just mostly for science. Well, I let it sit outside and get all nasty with the bad weather, got some leaves in the bottom and the rain water that collected became...
  27. y_not

    When mom & dad aren't home.....

    Whenever the owners of this house with a pool came home, they found puddles of water near their pool. They believed the neighbors’ kids waited 'till they went out, to use the pool…… So they installed a camera and this is what they saw……
  28. y_not

    Bleach solution for scrubbing pool.

    Due to some health problems and total lack of energy and motivation, I haven't felt like taking my AGP Intex down for the winter. :hammer: Well, I'm finally feeling mostly well enough to take care of it now. The problem is, she's gotten a little green. Poor girl. It's nothing major, just the...
  29. y_not

    Think we should tell him...?

    Should I comment and tell this guy about the CL + CYA relationship? What do you think??? I would really love to, I'm just itchin' but is there any point? :hammer: [youtube:3ox74io9]mq58LXe0v-4[/youtube:3ox74io9]
  30. y_not

    Shopping for a used AGP... questions

    I have decided that I would really like a bigger pool, being that IGP isn't an option for the foreseeable future, I'll be going with an AGP type. I have a relatively massive yard, so that's really not an issue, but I have some questions on shopping for one so I don't get taken since I'm buying...