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  1. S


    Ok here goes. I was walking around the pool checking on it level of water while it was filling and lo and behold I triped and hit one of the bottom feet of my pool with steel toe boot. And guess what it busted it right into ( I did not hit it hard just a tap with toe of my boot I don't like this...
  2. S

    Aquabot S2-40 Motor

    Just wondering If anyone has had any Exp with this cleaner. I have had mine now for just little over a year and the motor has gave up the ghost. Is this a common problem with this model? At $130 for a replacement motor (Robbery) if it burns up every year I would be better off buying a new...
  3. S

    pool store test

    Hi im new here posting but read alot of you guys stuff and still trying to learn. My ? is i put my pool up and while waiting for my salt in pool to dissolve I got the dreaded green water since temp were near 100 when i got to put my pool up. Ok after fighting the green finally got my pool water...