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  1. R

    Polaris 380 pressure release

    Hey guys, is it normal for the pressure relief valve (the colored valve right next to where the hose connects to wall) to continuosly release pressure ? So far this season whenever its on the pressure shoots out (you can hear the hissing sound) I do not recall if this happened last year but...
  2. R

    Iron and Metal testing

    Guys, How important is it to test for metals in the water? is it something only done if you are seeing problems or should you test no matter what at certain intervlals ? I see the previous owner did leave some bottles of remedies for problems but not sure if actually every used this stuff or...
  3. R

    TA Level

    Hi guys, Just had my pool open today and am a bit confused with some of the recommended levels. The biggest questions is regarding TA, I have a 34,000 gallon salt water pool with gunite finish. According to this site the recommended level is 60-80, the shop who tested the water says 80-150...