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  1. A

    Can you say "overshoot"

    So, opened my 19300 gal round Monday. My FC was 3 and I wanted to shock it (it was clear, but I like shock on opening). Just FYI my CYA was 75 so I was shooting for an FC of 31 just to be safe. So, I goto the pool calculator and put in my numbers. I used 8.25% bleach from wally world (@ 2.98 for...
  2. A

    Question - Bad pump, filter pool combo

    I have been banging my head against a wall now for about 6 mo. Every time I vacuum, I get very fine particles back into the pull. The vacuuming part is fine, its the filtering.So much that my once sparkling water with a very dirty floor, becomes very turbid. I have backwashed a few times. I have...