Search results

  1. J

    OCLT-Direct sunlight or daylight?

    So my property is on a mountain and the pool is surrounded by tall trees. The sun hits it late(relatively) and leaves it early. Is it ok to do the OCLT at any time as long as there is not direct sunlight? I have no idea if UV can still be affecting the water if the sunlight isn't directly on...
  2. J

    FC reading different in different parts of the pool

    So I slammed successfully upon opening(took 3 weeks, can't wait for my electric bill!), but now a week later, I've got what I'm assuming is an algae bloom. Lots of dusty dirt reappearing hours after slow vacuuming. So I'm slamming again, but now I'm getting different FC levels depending on where...
  3. J

    Burning through more chlorine

    So I've been SLAMming for 2 weeks(only had a good test kit more than a week ago, so I guess it's relative), but could only start vacuuming the last couple of days because I couldn't see the bottom. Now that I've started vacuuming, I'm having to add a lot more chlorine per day to keep SLAM level...
  4. J

    Can't get accurate FC reading

    Brand new pool owner, and I did the stupid thing, started SLAMming before I had a decent test kit(or, more accurately, I started aimlessly dumping liquid chlorine in my swamp). My subpar test kits did give me a 7.2 ph before I started. CYA was harder to tell, because I only had strips for that...