Search results

  1. redintex

    New pool build - Central Texas

    OK, so after asking 1,000 or so questions here and lurking for longer than I would care to admit, we have started on our pool!!! Groundbreaking was on 7/23/13. I was going to start the post on 7/22/13, but after reading all of the builds here, I was too paranoid that I was going to jinx...
  2. redintex

    1st in-ground pool - need help! Lots of questions!

    I have learned essentially everything I know about pools here, and am in awe of the expertise on TFP!!! I lurk a lot and post very little, as my knowledge has certainly been limited to this point. What I do know has been on AGP, so I am definitely a newbie for IGP... After maintaining the 15'...
  3. redintex

    Painting a ladder?

    I have been reading everything I can here for a while, and am ready to get on track. Here is what I have: Intex 15'x48" AG Intex 637R Filter Pump(for now - plan to get a sand filter by end of season) Intex SWG CS8110 I amd a second season pool owner who left the pool neglected over the winter...