Search results

  1. Circles47

    CYA numbers don't jive......

    This spring I opened up the pool to perfection. Numbers were perfect, water was clear, etc. The CYA was right where it was when I closed last 45. After my initial test, I didn't check the CYA again, because it never reallly changes much. However, my pool care had become a little...
  2. Circles47

    CYA levels in a salt pool without SWG

    I'm thinking about adding salt to my pool without installing a SWG. I believe I read somewhere on here a recommended salt level of 2000 ppm, vs. a higher level when using a SWG. Now I know that CYA for a SWG pool should be 70-80, and 30-50 for a regular pool. My CYA is currently at 40. My...
  3. Circles47

    Opening levels and "high" CYA

    Removed the winter pool cover the other day, to sparkling clean water! Without adding any chemicals, these were my numbers: FC - 4.4 CC - 0.6 PH - 7.7 TA - 170 (need to aerate) CYA - 100 CH - 200 Water temp - 53 F Test kit is a Taylor - K-2006 My question is this: I was a little unsure about...
  4. Circles47

    Need advice on AGP ladder from deck

    Last year we finally replaced our Intex pool with a 24'/54" deep Sharkline pool. This spring, we've extended our deck to the pool, and now I need to find another ladder. I've searched on this forum, as well as many other sources, but haven't found much in the way of solid, positive reviews. Most...
  5. Circles47

    Pool cover questions....

    Ok, another 1st year newbie with closing questions. Bought a winter cover with the cable and ratchet, and double grommets every 3'. I put a 4' x 4' pillow in the middle, moved the cable up unto the resin part of the vertical supports, cinched it down...and was not at all impressed. The wind gets...