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  1. D

    Pump shuts itself off

    Hi. I have a Hayward SuperPump II (1 hp) and it was running great up until last night. Last night, it just stopped running. Flicked the switch off then back on and nothing runs. Today, I flicked the switch and it started running but only at about 1/2 speed, then shut itself off after about...
  2. D

    DE Filter Pressure Question

    Hi! I have the Hayward Pro Grid DE4820 (48 sq ft). My pressure with a fresh charge of DE was 9 psi. After vacuuming, it had climbed to about 20 psi. I shut the pump down for an hour or 2, came back out and restarted the pump, and the pressure was back down to 9 psi again. After more...
  3. D

    Left over trichlor pucks after pool closing

    What should I do with half-dissolved left-over trichlor pucks after I closed the pool for the winter? Is there any way to safely dispose of them? Should I pack them away and use them next year? Thanks!
  4. D

    Wahoo! TF100 kit arrived. Now for some real numbers...

    My TF100 kit arrived today. TC was > 5 (off the scale, maybe around 7 if I had to guess) Ph = 7.2 CYA = 20 (the dot disappeared around 20) CH = 120 TA = 100 Almost there. I need to bump the CH up because it is a plaster pool. The Ph could use a little boost too. My CYA was zero when I...
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    Question about CYA in a sock

    Probably a silly question, but I'll ask anyway: If you want to raise you CYA level by putting CYA in a sock and putting it in the skimmer basket... if it dissolves too slowly and you want to turn off your pump for the night, can you leave it in the skimmer and restart the pump later to finish...
  6. D

    Can anyone help me identify my pool?

    Hi everyone! Seven years ago we bought a house with a custom in-ground plaster pool we don't know much about. We know it was built sometime in the '70s, it's a kidney bean shape, it's got a shallow end with "wedding cake" stairs and a deep end (about 8 ft.) with a notch with stairs. There is...
  7. D

    Hello from New Jersey

    Hi Everyone! I live in central New Jersey and have a 29000 gal. in-ground plaster pool (came with the house), Hayward Pro Grid DE filter (48 sq ft), Hayward Superpump II (1 hp), and in-line CMP chlorinator. I've been "winging it" for 7 years now (by "winging it" I mean, get the water tested at...